Cambridge People
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Third Waikato Militia Index
This is an alphabetical index of the Third Waikato Militia soldier settlers that are listed on the Nominal Rolls. The originals are held at the National Archives in Wellington,Why have we indexed them?
The Nominal Rolls provide a fascinating insight into soldier settlers flowing through this area during the Waikato Wars. The Cambridge township we see today was set in place during the New Zealand Wars. Thousands of men, lured by the promise of "free" land, joined the New Zealand colonial forces. Most were single, but the married men brought wives and children. Soldiers of the 3rd Waikato Militia built a redoubt here and were rewarded with sections of land for their service. Disillusionment with the Government's handling of the settlement drove away many of the soldiers to try their luck elsewhere. Read more in our Biographies section.Third Waikato Militia – A
Third Waikato Militia – A A ABRAHAM Thomas Robert ACHESON (ACHERON) Thomas ADAMS Charles ADAMS Robert Russell ADAMS Thomas ADAMS Thomas ADAMS William ADIE John ADIN Daniel Sampson AGNEW William AITKIN William ALEXANDER John ALEY…
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3rd Waikato Militia – B B BADLEY Robert Dawson BAGGS Thomas BAHRENBERG Henry BAILEY Ebenezer BAKER Charles BAKER George F BAKER Joseph BAKER (BECKER) Jacob BALDWIN Thomas BALL Richard BALLANTYNE Alexander BALLANTYNE Robert BALLARD Henry…
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3rd Waikato Militia – C C CADDIGAN Jeremiah CAHILL Edward CAHILL Philip CAHILL Matthew CAIN John CALDER Anderson (Andrew) (Charles) CALLAGHAN Daniel CALLAGHAN John CALLAGHAN John Patrick CAMERON Donald (Dougald) CAMERON John CAMPBELL Alexander CAMPBELL…
MOREThird Waikato Militia – D
3rd Waikato Militia – D D DALE William DALLAS George DALTON John D DANGERFIELD William DANIELS George DANN Jonathon DAVENPORT Charles Henry DAVIDSON Christopher DAVIDSON Robert DAVIDSON Robert DAVIES James DAVIS Charles DAVIS Edward DAVIS…
MOREThird Waikato Militia – E
3rd Waikato Militia – E E EAGAN Patrick EASTON Robert EASTWOOD James EATON George EATON Thomas EDEN George EDGAR William EDMONDS Thomas EDMONDS William EDWARDS Edward Robert EDWARDS George EDWARDS Roberts EIKE John ELDER Jonothan…
MOREThird Waikato Militia – F
3rd Waikato Militia – F F FAIRBURN Robert FALCONER David FARR Alfred Eliah (s) FARRILL James FAULT Thomas FE(A)THERSTON(E) Cuthbert FE(A)THERSTON(E) William FEE James FEEHAN Michael / Malachi FENNELL Patrick FENTON William Dart FERGUSON Nicholas…
MOREThird Waikato Militia – G
3rd Waikato Militia – G G GALBRAITH Andrew GALLAGHER Peter GALLOWAY William GALWAY ( GALLOWAY ) Theophilus GAMMON Edward GARBETT Joseph GARLAND Charles GARRETT William GASCOIGNE Frederick W J GATEHOUSE John GAY Arthur GAYMER Frederick…
MOREThird Waikato Militia – H
3rd Waikato Militia – H H HACKETT William HAGEN John HAINES Henry HAINES William HAINES (HARRIS) Thomas HAIR George HAIR Henry HALEY John HALIFAX Francis HALL Jeffrey HALL Robert HALL William HALL William HALLIDAY David…
MOREThird Waikato Militia – I & J
3rd Waikato Militia – I I IBBOTSON Henry Jonathon ILSLEY Thomas IRELAND Henry IVES William 3rd Waikato Militia – J J JACKSON Robert Cole JACKSON William George JAMES David JAMES Harewood JAMES Richard JAMES Robert…
MOREThird Waikato Militia – K
Third Waikato Militia – K K KAIN William KANE Francis KANE John KARL Joseph KEATING John KEEBLE Albert Henry KEEBLE Charles KELLY James KELLY James KELLY James KELLY John KELLY Patrick KELLY Patrick KELLY Patrick…
MOREThird Waikato Militia – L
Third Waikato Militia – L L La MASURIER Philip LAFFIN John LAIRD Charles Walker LAKE Charles LAMB Edward LAMB George LAMB George LAMB James LAMB Joseph Richard LAMB William LAMBERT Edward LAMBOURNE (LAMBORD) John…
MOREThird Waikato Militia – M
Third Waikato Militia – M M MACKAY Alexander MACKAY Robert MACKIE David MacLEAN Chistopher Alaydon MACREADY Maxwell MADIGAN James MADIGAN John MAGILL Philip MAGUIRE Allan Noble MAGUIRE James MAIN John MAJOR Isaac MALCOLM Alexander MALLETT…
MOREThird Waikato Militia – Mc
Third Waikato Militia – Mc Mc MacCOLL C E S (Dugald Charles Edward S) MacINTOSH James McABB (McCABE) Charles Martin McARTHUR David McAULEY John McBRYDE John McCALLUM Duncan McCANN George McCANN Laurence McCARTHY John McCARTHY…
MOREThird Waikato Militia – N
Third Waikato Militia – N N NAGEL William NAGLE Dennis NASH William NAYLOR Joseph NAYLOR William NEAL(E) William NEIL James NEIL Robert NELSON Charles NELSON George Frederick NELSON James NELSON James NELSON Thomas NEVE Henry…
MOREThird Waikato Militia – O
Third Waikato Militia – O O OAKLEY Edward Arthur OAKLEY William O’BRIEN David O’BRIEN John O’BRIEN Laurence O’BRIEN Martin O’BRIEN William O’CARROLL Patrick J O’CONNOR Michael O’CONNOR Patrick O’DONNELL Bartholomew O’DONOGHUE Michael O’FLAHERTY Martin O’GRADY…
MOREThird Waikato Militia – P
Third Waikato Militia – P P PALMER Thomas PANTON Robert PARAVICINI Michael PARKER James PARKER Richard Pierce PARKHILL William Henry PARKHOUSE Richard PARSON John PARSON William PATERSON William PATOKY Francis PATTERSON Matthew PATTISON Frederick PAUL…
MOREThird Waikato Militia – Q & R
Third Waikato Militia – Q Q QUALMER Henry QUICK Edwin QUILTY Andrew QUINAN Patrick QUINLAN Andrew QUINN Michael QUINN Michael QUINN Thomas QUINT Henry QUINTON Joseph QUIRCK Philip Third Waikato Militia – R R RADCLIFFE…
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MOREThird Waikato Militia – TUV
Third Waikato Militia – T T TAGGARH (TAGGART) Andrew TAGGITT James TAIT James TANDOW Henry TARR William TARRANT James TARTE A Alexander TATE Wilhelm TATTERSALL G H TAYLOR Edmund TAYLOR George TAYLOR Henry TAYLOR Robert…
MOREThird Waikato Militia – WYX
Third Waikato Militia – W W WAINWRIGHT Charles WALDE Jacob WALKER Edward WALKER James WALKER John WALKER Joseph WALKER Robert WALKER Robert WALKER Robert WALKER Walter WALL James WALL Robert WALL William WALLACE Joseph WALLIS…