Opening Hours: Mon – Fri 10am – 4 pm, Weekends and Public Holidays 10am – 2pm.

Opening Hours: Mon – Fri 10am – 4 pm, Weekends and Public Holidays 10am – 2pm.

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CHS Events & Newsletter

CHS Events

Throughout the year, the CHS hosts lectures and events. These are always well attended and informative. Recent events have been:

  • Barge trip over Horahora hosted by Ian Fraser.
  • Maori and early-European history of Kairangi, hosted by Bill Garland.
  • Whare Marama Drive visit to learn about Maori fertility and birthing traditions, hosted by Ngati Koroki Kahukura.
  • Mercury Energy tour of the Karapiro Power Station, hosted by Dave Payne.
  • Visit to C&R Developments.

If you have any suggestions for upcoming events, please contact a Committee member.

CHS Newsletter

The Society issues a newsletter every two months to all members, keeping them up-to-date with local news, lectures, meetings, and future and past events.

It also features articles on early Māori history, the history of the town of Cambridge, local buildings, businesses and personalities.

To read a newsletter, please select below:

June 2024

Featuring part 1 of Geo Couper’s Journal of sea travel in 1852, and Poly Hill.

April 2024

Featuring part 2 of Jack Silcock’s memoir as a POW in WWII, and buying a new car in the 1950s,

February 2024

Featuring Clive Denton’s One Hundred Years of Cambridge Daffodil Shows and a Westmacott find

October 2023

Featuring part 1 of Jack Silcock’s memoir as a POW in WWII.

August 2023

Featuring Dr Tod’s article on healthcare 1923-1973, and King Carter.

June 2023

Featuring Merv Cronin and Mary Murphy, A Tribute to the Cambridge Independent and U3A.

April 2023

Featuring Richard Stower, A Tribute to the Cambridge Independent and Discombe’s Daughters.

February 2023

Featuring Constable Charles Henry Maisey.

December 2022

Featuring the life and times of Bert Simpson and Te Ihingarangi part 13.

October 2022

Featuring Mrs Rippon, Mrs Brown and the Edwards families, and Te Ihingarangi part 12.

August 2022

Featuring Charlie Smale, Florence Wright and Te Ihingarangi part 11.

June 2022

Featuring the third part of the The First Cars of Cambridge and Te Ihingarangi part 10.

April 2022

Featuring the second part of The First Cars of Cambridge and Te Ihingarangi part 9.

Mar 2022

Featuring The First Cars of Cambridge, Te Ihingarangi part 8 and Dr Walter Stapley.

December 2021

Featuring The Ballad of Robert Barlow, Te Ihingarangi part 7 and Swimming in Lake Te Koutu.

October 2021

Featuring The Datsuns, the Karapiro Stream in 1885 and Boyce’s Pharmacy.

August 2021

Featuring Te Ihingarangi part 6 – the early 1800s, and the court cases of Mrs Murphy.

June 2021

Featuring Mrs Murphy and Te Ihingarangi part 5 (1700).

April 2021

Featuring Te Ihingarangi part 4 (1600) and Daniel Murphy’s letter to Bill Morse of Cambridge on WWI combat.

February 2021

Featuring Soldiers at Te Waikato Sanatorium, Te Miro – The Mill at Maungakawa, and Te Ihingarangi part 3.

December 2020

Featuring a commune in 1970s Cambridge, and Te Ihingarangi part 2.

October 2020

Featuring the 1915 Cambridge Fire Brigade demonstration, Te Ihingarangi part 1, and Gardner & Sons.

August 2020

Featuring reminiscences from Ivy Nicholls, Dennis Davis – Builder

June 2020

Featuring Cambridge before the Fire Brigade, the Sample Rooms

April 2020

Featuring Chinese Laundries, Personality Pace, Police Charge Book, Cameron and Essie Johnson

February 2020

Featuring James Burn-Murdoch, Swimming

November 2019

Featuring Richard and Madge Reynolds, Wai Valley, Whare Marama

September 2019

Featuring Peace Celebrations

July 2019

Featuring Nga Hau e Wha – the Cambridge Community Marae, Bryan Cox and Norman Rosser

Apr 2019

Featuring Waikato Hunt, James Cowan

Feb 2019

Featuring Reece Discombe, Joseph McCafferty and the Armed Constabulary

Dec 2018

Featuring The National Hotel, Jumble Around

Oct 2018

Featuring Post Office Butchery, Daniel Thornton, Karapiro Dam workers’ housing

Aug 2018

Featuring John Fisher

June 2018

Featuring Mrs Shepperd’s diary, Jared Allwill, Post Office Clock Tower

Apr 2018

Featuring Susan McKearney

Feb 2018

Featuring Marion and Douglas Fisher