Opening Hours: Mon – Fri 10am – 4 pm, Weekends and Public Holidays 10am – 2pm.

Opening Hours: Mon – Fri 10am – 4 pm, Weekends and Public Holidays 10am – 2pm.

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Cambridge Town

Learn about the history of town and its districts, schools and roads over the years.

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Cambridge Town

Historic Buildings

It was not until 1975 that the Cambridge Borough Council organised a team to compile a list of Cambridge Historic Places and a Tree Register. New Zealand Historic Places Trust listed most of the 'A' list and some of the 'Bs' under the Historic Places Trust Act 1993. Now, Waipa District Council has most of the Cambridge buildings and places protected in their District Plan.



Waipa District Council administers and manages 10 Lawn Cemeteries, including Hautapu, and now has an online cemetery database to assist people searching for plot locations of deceased friends and relatives in Waipa cemeteries.



The farming districts around Cambridge have always been very important to the development of the town. Initially the 50 acre soldier allotments of 1864 were to be a barrier between the Maori King Country and the city of Auckland.



The first local body in the district was the Cambridge Road Board in 1868, whose immediate duty was to open up road communication with Hamilton. From then until 1890 the foundation of the present system of roads was laid down.



School Registers for Cambridge and districts are an ideal way of tracing the movements of families. New Zealand does not keep census records and these school rolls show when a pupil arrived at a school, where they came from, when they left and where they went to. Most Registers also show a birth date for the pupil.