Opening Hours: Mon – Fri 10am – 4 pm, Weekends and Public Holidays 10am – 2pm.

Opening Hours: Mon – Fri 10am – 4 pm, Weekends and Public Holidays 10am – 2pm.

$ FREE ADMISSION   24 Victoria St, Cambridge , NZ | CONTACT

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Current exhibits on display at the Cambridge Museum

  18 March  -  21 March

“Capturing Cambridge”: An Exhibition of Reg Buckingham’s Photographs

Following on from our popular exhibition, and as part of an ongoing digitisation programme, you can view Reg Buckingham’s images on Kōtuia ngā Kete – click here. In March 2024, Cambridge Museum partnered with the…

  11 December  -  

Cambridge Bowling Club

Keeping Your Eye on the Bowls All ages have been playing bowls here for 125 years. Cambridge Bowling Club was the first bowling club in the Waikato when it was formed in 1898. The aim…

  11 December  -  

Printing press

Not much is known about the printing press on display. Some believe it may have printed Māori-language leaflets at the Te Kauwhanganui parliament in Maungakawa during the 1890s. To imagine how it might have worked,…

  11 December  -  

Square Piano

The piano on display is one of the oldest in New Zealand. This video gives us an idea of how it would have sounded. Video source: Greenaway Studio (Canberra, Australia) Maria Arnold brought with her…


Come in and explore

We share some of the many voices and stories of the people who have changed Cambridge Te Oko Horoi.

This includes the Ngāti Koroki Kahakura and Ngāti Hauā people, the mana whenua of this area, who transformed the banks of the river and Lake Te Kō Utu into gardens filled with kūmara, taro, gourd and tropical yam. Our new displays look at other ways people have made their living here over time from family-run butcheries to hotels and restaurants. The role of builders, surveyors and policy makers in the shaping of our town also feature, as do some well-loved items that remain from young ones who have grown up in the town and the surrounding area.

We also have a timeline that maps out significant events in the area from 1300.