From Melbourne to Bendigo by foot
This article was prepared for the Cambridge Historical Society Newsletter February 2025. People choose many ways to be remembered. In George Couper’s case, it was through his journal (CM2421/3). Back in June last year, we…
Read MoreStaff and Volunteers: Past and Present
Volunteers and staff members are at the heart of a community-led museum like Cambridge Museum. Here are introductions to those who have researched and written articles that have been published on our website, in our…
Read MoreRinging in the New Year in Cambridge
We all have favourite memories of holiday celebrations. Let’s find out how Cambridge residents have celebrated the New Year over the ages. 1876 Waikato Times 4/1/1876 New Year’s Day was ushered in with the usual…
Read MoreCambridge – The best place to live
Doctor Roberts of Devonport[1] … said I required a more bracing air than the North Shore and as I had lived so many years by the seaside, he recommended I should go inland to Cambridge…
Read MoreTwo Cambridge icons: a suit of armour and Tui Carter
The suit of armour at the front entrance of the antique shop in the Veale Building represented the height of the antique trade in Cambridge in the 1970s. Behind the towering suit of armour was…
Read MoreRoland “Poly” Hill
This article was published in the First Edition of the Cambridge Historical Society Journal in October 1967. “When one considers the great wealth of history in the Cambridge district, it is regrettable that there has…
Read MoreGeorge Couper’s Journal of Sea Travel in 1852
Journal of a voyage from Liverpool to Melbourne by Geo Couper Would you choose to travel to the other side of the world on a ship reliant solely on the weather and the skill of…
Read MoreA Shortage of New Cars in Cambridge
We came across this piece of correspondence from Ford Dealer Wilkinson & Co Ltd of Cambridge to John Tunnicliff. Attached was a receipt for a £10 deposit made by Mr Tunnicliff for a Ford Anglia…
Read MoreTribute to Elizabeth II
When the Queen and Prince Philip arrived at the town hall in Cambridge on New Year’s Day 1954, the crowds cheered so loudly, it was impossible to hear the chiming of St Andrew’s Church bells Source:…
Read MoreThe First Cars of Cambridge – Part 2
The following is an abridged transcript of a talk given to the Cambridge Historical Society by Neville Souter, aged 70, in September 1969. His grandfather, Captain William Burns Souter founded the firm of W Souter…
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