Opening Hours: Mon – Fri 10am – 4 pm, Weekends and Public Holidays 10am – 2pm.

Opening Hours: Mon – Fri 10am – 4 pm, Weekends and Public Holidays 10am – 2pm.

$ FREE ADMISSION   24 Victoria St, Cambridge , NZ | CONTACT

Top gear all the way

When Ken Wilkinson of Cambridge broke the record for the fastest road trip between Auckland and Wellington in 1931, his time included stops for food, petrol, trains and mobs of sheep and cattle.  No mention…

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Roland “Poly” Hill

This article was published in the First Edition of the Cambridge Historical Society Journal in October 1967. “When one considers the great wealth of history in the Cambridge district, it is regrettable that there has…

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‘Overlord’ – D Day June 6th 1944,

An acrostic poem by Brian Dunstan, 2024 Overhead in the midnight sky, hundreds of bombers were flying high above the landing craft that bore the soldiers to an alien shore. Vital bridges to secure airborne…

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A Shortage of New Cars in Cambridge

We came across this piece of correspondence from Ford Dealer Wilkinson & Co Ltd of Cambridge to John Tunnicliff.  Attached was a receipt for a £10 deposit made by Mr Tunnicliff for a Ford Anglia…

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A Day in the Life of Museum Staff

If you were fortunate enough to see Te Papa’s exhibition Gallipoli: The Scale of Our War, featuring larger than life sculptures of WWI soldiers, you will enjoy this article. The first sculpture in the exhibition…

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