In 1885 the first season of tennis was played on a court next to the old Courthouse. As recorded in the Waikato Times 14 May 1885 – ‘At the commencement of the season there was scarcely a member who understood the game but perseverance and constant practise has brought to the front several fairly proficient hands.
‘The club has certainly not been very successful in its matches with outside clubs, but no doubt by next season the members will be able to render a better account of themselves. The club’s plant has been allowed to fall into a bad state, there being only a couple of racquets with which it is possible to play a game.
‘A new net was lately provided and the ground somewhat improved. The court however, is in a bad order, and the next heavy fall of rain should be taken advantage of to have it put in better condition.’
1898 saw the first court at the Cambridge domain situated where the bowling club is now. The tennis and bowling clubs shared the same pavilion and it was not until 1922 that the tennis club, having moved beyond the rose pergola, increased their courts to four.
Researched and written by Eris Parker
Ref: Cambridge Museum Archives