Cambridge Town
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Whitehall’s Beginnings
(From ‘The News and Theatre Courier’ 12 August 1936)
‘About the year 1876 Mr George Giles, father of Harry Giles of Monavale, took up a section near the Maori Settlement. He built a slab whare for his family and was actually the first settler in what is now Whitehall.’
‘The Brunskills sold the Pa farm to the Fen Court Company and William and his brother Henry took up blocks of land in the district – now Whitehall. The widely known ‘Woodford’ property is still occupied by Brunskills.’
‘Other early settlers were William Simmons, Duncan Campbell, Jim Russell, Henry Turner, Henry Millar, W F Buckland, James Forrest and G Ellis.’
Whitehall Settlement
‘The Whitehall Settlement, which was opened in 1900, comprised an area of 8000 acres, and was part of the Fencourt Estate. At that time there were only three cottages on the 8000 acres – Bridgewater, Whitehall and Kensington. The first settlers were Henry Hulse, Mrs M A Ormiston, Sam Cowling, John Cowling, William Vickers, J S Russell, C W Keeley, Power Bros and R H Hall. Messrs E C Jeans and J W Jeans are among the remaining pioneer settlers of the district.’
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