Our Cambridge Collection has changing exhibitions about Cambridge. Much of our collection is in storage to ensure its preservation for future generations.
Cambridge Collections
An Appreciation of Cambridge

by C R Temperley
Cambridge , 12 December 1912.
An Appreciation of Cambridge
As I wander through your valley,
Many beauties rare to see,
For dear old Cambridge is to me
The prettiest spot I care to see.
The domain, such beauties round
The lovely lake, how most profound!
I love to linger near the swans
To gaze at them, and dream of the beyond.
A stranger here only am I,
But oh, what pleasures in this creation
To saunter round and picture all
The perfume trees, and shaded plantation.
The little church, with its chiming bells,
The fine town clock to chime the hour:
Such melodies are seldom heard
Away from Cambridge – citizens, do be proud.
At eventide your day’s work o’er,
To sit in the domain and rest
No greater comfort you seek more
And feel, God has you blessed.
Your Town Hall, with its Library too,
How edifying – a structure true;
Where weary hearts enjoy their hour
Midst cool of breeze and scent of bower.
I leave you in your pretty dwelling,
My job while here was overwhelming,
When years have passed, I will remember,
The little Cambridge Band Rotunda.
I ask you all, dear friends,
To join me this Christmas Eve,
And thank our God and worship Him –
Our real comfort and our King.