Our Cambridge Collection has changing exhibitions about Cambridge. Much of our collection is in storage to ensure its preservation for future generations.
Cambridge Collections

In October of 2006, the Cambridge Historical Society celebrated its 50th Anniversary and a poetry competition was held as part of the celebrations. Entrants’ original poems were to be based on the subject of Cambridge and/or the surrounding districts and we present here the prize winners of each section together with some of the highly commended entries.
by Lisa Bonenkamp aged 9 years – Winner up to 12 years
Cambridge is a town of trees and horses
And we have Kiwi, Takahe and rolling green hills too
Mount Maungatautari is a giant piece of Cambridge with the non-flying bird, the kiwi.
Beautiful river sparkles in the sunlight like a thousand small diamonds
Remembered for trees and horses
Interesting for visitors
Decorated by numerous trees
Gardens everywhere
Everyone will remember Cambridge