Cambridge People
Explore the history of the generations of people who have shaped the Cambridge area.
Cambridge People
Generations of people have shaped the Cambridge area and some of their written histories, maps and photographs are archived at Cambridge Museum. Viewing the archives is free, and by appointment between Monday and Friday, 10 am - 4 pm. We are in the process of making these as accessible as possible to everyone. Discover some of our stories below.Mana Whenua
Ngāti Koroki Kahukura and Ngāti Hauā are the iwi who hold mana whenua over the Cambridge and Leamington areas.
These brief biographies provide fascinating glimpses into the lives of some of the people living in and around Cambridge between the 1860s and early 1900s.
MORESoldiers from the Cambridge area
Explore stores of the soldiers who travelled to or from the Cambridge area between the Waikato War in the 1860s until World War II.
MORERate Payers
Discover more about the people living in the Cambridge area in the early 1900s using this alphabetical index of ratepayers.
MOREWomen in Cambridge
Explore stories that highlight diverse women’s experiences as they have made positive changes for themselves, their whānau, and their communities.