Quiz – Where there’s a Will
Use your research skills to answer these questions using the Museum’s website. Each question features a real life William from Cambridge’s histories. Top tip: use quotation marks in the Search bar e.g.“Willie Arakatera”.
Download the quiz sheet here >>Where there’s a Will Quiz Sheet
Answers available at cambridgemuseum/william-answers
30 minute activity
- George Russell Fellow was the bricklayer who built the Cambridge water tower in 1903. It cost £1,077. to build. What was the name of the man and his son who with their horse ‘Darkie’, helped pulley the bricks to the top of the tower during construction?
- Among the villa style houses of Cambridge is ‘Orongo’ on the corner of Thornton and Victoria Roads that was built in 1902. Its name is taken from the district in Thames that its first owner came from. Who was the first owner that it was built for?
- In what year did Willie Arakatera enrol at Cambridge Primary School?
- Fen Court was bought from the Bank of New Zealand (for £4 10/- an acre) by the Government. Who was the manager of the Fen Court Estate in 1898?
- In 1867 the Armed Constabulary Act was passed. A Lieutenant-Colonel raised two divisions of Armed Constabulary and commanded one himself (No. 4 division) with the headquarters in Cambridge. The other (No. 5 division) was commanded by Major von Tempsky at Alexandra (Pirongia). What was the name of the Lieutenant-Colonel who commanded No. 4 division?
- ‘Tregarthen’ house was built in 1903 for Edward and Margaret Wilkinson, with Montalk as architect and Potts and Hardy the builders of this home, its style is described as along the lines of Queen Anne architecture with three large gables and bay windows. Which street is this house located on in Cambridge?
- The Lamson Rapid Wire System was used at the Calverts Department Store in Cambridge to convey cash. Two of the satellites have been installed at the Cambridge Museum. Who was the US inventor of this system?
- Willie Bridgman was born about 1863, and was described as a shepherd when he joined the Duke of Cambridge Lodge. When did he join the Lodge?
- William Tucker sent £7 to Mary Ann Williams in Christchurch so she could come to Auckland where they were married on 13 October 1874. How did they arrive in Cambridge?
- In January 1906 the Morse family had a particularly successful day at the Oddfellows’ sports. What did Percy, William & Frank achieve in the Bandsmen’s race?