Opening Hours: Mon – Fri 10am – 4 pm, Weekends and Public Holidays 10am – 2pm.

Opening Hours: Mon – Fri 10am – 4 pm, Weekends and Public Holidays 10am – 2pm.

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Research and Image Requests

Research and Image Requests

Cambridge Museum is delighted to share information and photographs from our Collection with our local and wider community. If you haven’t found what you are looking for on our website or using our research guides, we are happy to help.

Download Research Request Form here.


Request process:

  1. Send a research request using the form  or calling the Museum on 07 827 3319.
  2. The first half hour is free and thereafter $15.00 per 30 mins. We will send you an email once we have done the first half-hour research
  3. Please pay the research fee (details below)


Research fee:

Independent research at the museum = FREE
30 mins by staff = FREE. Thereafter, $25 per 30 mins

EITHER pay by Internet Banking to Westpac Bank 03 1568 0041635 01. Please include your surname and “Research” as a reference.
OR call in to the museum to pay (cash only).


Commercial Use of Cambridge Museum Images

Fee Scale for Reproduction for Commercial Use:
Please note fees are waived for educational use or other non-profit publications.

Download Image Request Form here.


Reproduction Fees New Zealand
Books, periodicals, magazines, e-Books $50
Book covers, Annual reports, $250
Brochures, Business Cards, Letterheads $100
Greetings cards, post cards $50
Advertising and Commercial Display* $250
Decoration in a public space $50
Exhibitions (commercial) $50

*Commercial Display includes billboards, interpretation panels and all advertising posters and displays, web advertising



  • Fees are inclusive of GST and are charged per image or collection item
  • Fees are waived for educational use or other non-profit publications.
  • Image file/s provided is/are strictly limited to the use specified and agreed to by the Cambridge Museum and Historical Society
  • Cambridge Museum and Historical Society requests one gratis copy of any publication that includes Museum images. Any further negotiations for royalties, exclusives and/or receipt of in-kind merchandise will be made at the time of application.
  • Photographs of museum objects must not be used to assert or imply the Cambridge Museum and Historical Society endorses any commercial product or enterprise, concurs with the opinions expressed in, or confirms the accuracy of any text used with these photographs.
  • Cambridge Museum and Historical Society does not charge for scholarly or non-profit use of image files, however, administration fees may apply.
  • Cambridge Museum and Historical Society is not responsible for obtaining permission from the copyright holder for use of requested material.
  • All reproductions must credit the photographer and Collection (as appropriate) and carry the copyright notice “Reproduction by permission of the Cambridge Historical Society and Museum, Waipā ” or “© Cambridge Museum, , Waipā”