Our Cambridge Collection has changing exhibitions about Cambridge. Much of our collection is in storage to ensure its preservation for future generations.
100 Years: 1912 Jan – Dec

January 1912
F J Marfell made an important announcement to buyers of building sections in Leamington. ‘Sunnyside Estate’, near the Domain, had been subdivided into large, roomy home sites, which were being offered to the public at the easiest terms in New Zealand viz.; £1 down and 10s a month.
Leamington was rapidly becoming popular as a healthy home site district, and ‘Sunnyside’ was an excellent opportunity to residents to possess a home of their own. Several of the sections had already been secured by Aucklanders, and as there were only a limited number available early application was necessary to secure them.
Wedding bells rang out on New Year’s Day for Miss Alice Hannah Read and Charles Ernest Jeans at the bride’s parents’ home in ‘Thornleigh’ French Pass. The bride was dressed in cream voile and carried a bouquet of sweet peas and maidenhair fern. Her sisters Eva and Elsie were the bridesmaids and James Walter Jeans was best man.
The guests sat down to a dainty wedding breakfast and after the couple left for Te Aroha the ‘call of the herd’ came all too soon for the guests.
James Bros, (late W D Shepherd, general providers) were looking for a young girl for office work.
Mr Capper was looking for a housekeeper to take full charge of three young children.
Accompanying the Huddersfield Bellringers Band was Ella Airlie, the charming young London pianoloquist, mimic and xylophone expert.
Sam Lewis notified the public that he was moving into the Legal Chambers in Duke Street and that he had taken over the practice of W F Buckland.
“Mr Carr has got a new car”, was the catch cry as the former publican of the Central Hotel bought a new Ford. Others joining the motorised trend were Sam Lewis and Hunter & Banks – Land Agents.
The value to Cambridge of the Cambridge Co-operative Dairy Co was shown by the payout of £7,000 to local milk suppliers in November 1911 and £7,393 in December – the third highest in New Zealand. The first district Boy Scout Camp at The Narrows had a wet time for the first week. Three troops from Hamilton, Frankton and Cambridge had 65 to 100 boys under canvas. Some of the boys cycled to and fro, night and morning, to their work. About 300 visitors watched the sports events and were served afternoon tea under the trees beside the riverbank.
John F Brooks, son of F J Brooks the Town Clerk and former bank manager, took over the chemist of R J Roberts. Forerunner of the Cambridge Pharmacy.
The Mayor, George Dickinson was in the hot seat at a meeting called to further consider the Coronation Baths. Nothing had been done over the holidays about securing a site and the offer of a Government Grant of £250 was going to run out very soon.
Alexander Gow, the genial and obliging Scots station master of eight years, was promoted to Paekakariki, 27 miles north of Wellington.
The Victoria Bridge was causing problems as the water couldn’t get away from the deck and some planks were rotten.
The rapids at HoraHora had not only caught the eye of the Waihi Gold Mine, but fishermen were extolling its virtue for trout fishing. Four men in a short time had 140 in their bag – the smallest weighing 2lbs. ‘The gateway is through Cambridge.’
F W Butler, Civil Engineer submitted two plans for the swimming baths – one on Victoria Square and the other in Duke Street opposite the Salvation Army Hall. Councillor Martin Butler opposed both proposals and supported the Moon Creek idea. ‘The councillors thought they were being hoodwinked. The meeting was getting out of hand, and the Mayor vacated the chair without putting the amendment as a substantive motion.’
A gentleman, who took a keen interest in Cambridge, remarked that he was rather partial to Scotsmen, “They are braw chaps, ye ken, I’m yin ma’sell, but I canna thole they Scotch thistles growing anent the Coort-hoose. Man it fair scunners me!” With regards to the swimming baths he said, “They maun be a’ daft tae pit them doon by Min’s creek.”
For one shilling and sixpence the Misses Hills, stationers in Victoria Street, produced a booklet of thirty-six views of Cambridge. E B Hill, chemist used a Kodak camera in photographing the originals from which the book was produced.
February 1912
Miss Mary Roberts was chosen as librarian, for the local Carnegie Library, from 10 applicants.
At the third annual meeting of the Cambridge branch of the Y.M.C.A. the report stated, ‘The usefulness of the Y.M.C.A. in a town like Cambridge was much emphasised, as it provides a medium and a gathering ground where members of all denominations can gather and work harmoniously for the common good.’
Councillor M Wells put forward a new site for the swimming baths – behind the old library site. (This was next to the post office and ran from Victoria Street through to Wilson Street.) Everyone agreed – except the Mayor. Carried.
The Leamington Town Board, the only Town Board in the country, was suggesting a by-law restricting residential sections to ½ an acre.
Advance Cambridge! The Garage – opposite the Town Hall. ‘An up-to-date repairing plant will be installed in charge of a practical engineer and motor car expert. They were also agents for Darracq, Arroll, Johnston, Mitchell and Dion motor cars and Triumph, Humber, King Dick and B.S.A. motor cycles.’ F J Marfell was the proprietor and F P Lea the engineer.
Speight, Pearce & Nicoll notified the public that they had taken over the coal business of E W Palmer.
It transpired that the local station master, Mr Gow, didn’t go to Paikakarikei – but Featherston on the Wellington–Wairarapa line.
Mr and Mrs R Chambers who lived at the old flour mill on the other side of the river, returned to take up residence in Cambridge.
Miss Blanche O’Neill who had been teaching in Cambridge for two years, was appointed to the Education Board’s relieving staff.
The NZ Herald reporter wrote, ‘Cambridge is undoubtedly one of the most delightful dairying districts in New Zealand. The abundance of fine English timber trees there, and the number of beautiful homesteads, give it an Old World appearance and I know no pleasanter country in the Dominion. At the time of my visit harvesting operations were in full swing, and magnificent crops of oats in stook testified to the skill of the farmers and the productivity of the soil.’
Mr J Cooke, dairyman, thanked his customers and advised that he had sold his milk run to Mr J Aspin.
E B Hill was selling his 32 acres of ‘Riverside’ opposite the Leamington Domain (corner Pope and Bracken Streets) on Easy Terms.
At the Cambridge District High School all the pupils presented for the Junior Civil Service Examination passed. Miss Daisy O’Neill passed with credit and gained 34th place on the list for the Dominion. Douglas Gow and Bernard Ashwin passed the Junior Civil Service Exam, the Misses Pearl McCandlish and Jessie Watt gained the Intermediate.
At the Coroner’s Inquiry into the death of Charles Edmund Morse, who died when his gun discharged as he opened a gate, the Jury found that the death was caused through gunshot injuries, but in what manner they were actually inflicted there was no evidence to prove.
Mr W F Buckland retired from public life to become a floral specialist at Monovale with daffodils as this month’s specialty and next month sweet peas.
Mr C Boyce junior retired as bandmaster of the local Brass Band as the members, his chums, deemed him not strict enough to be obeyed. The gold medal for the member attending most practices went to Geo Page.
Both W Thompson and Jno Peake’s potato crops at Roto-o-rangi were entirely free from blight and showing a most vigorous and luxuriant growth. They were a credit to the Waikato.
Arawa Lodge No. 97 was opened in Cambridge with 22 candidates initiated into the mysteries of the Order. With four members from distant lodges they formed the new lodge.
The tender of £567 from Mr Care was accepted by the Borough Council for the construction of a swimming baths.
Mrs Agnes Sibthorpe Dickinson, wife of George the Mayor, died 16 February 1912. For over twenty years she had been involved with St Andrew’s Anglican church as a member of the choir and Sunday School staff. She evoked a powerful moral effect on the young folk of Cambridge.
Private motor garages were built to house the cars of Messrs W Souter, Sam Lewis, J C Sawers and H Kerr.
The well known chief Rapata Tukere died suddenly at his home at Maungatautari. The Natives of the district dispatched the usual budget of telegrams over the Waikato and prepared for a great tangi.
The Domain Board reported the breeding pens for swans and ducks had been built, ornamental trees planted, a large amount of raupo had been cleared from the lake, gorse and other noxious weeds grubbed and a new rustic bridge across built across the end of the lake.
The ‘clarion call’ of Mr Frank Reynolds to wage war against the enemy of partridges and other game [hawks], is one deserving immediate response. He offered £1 towards a bounty for hawks’ heads with the battle cry, ‘Let us get at the hawks’.
The Borough Engineer was instructed to have a concrete trough erected at the corner of Thornton Road and Grosvenor Street.
Queen Mary was bringing back the fashion of knitting, crochet and embroidery and discarding long dangerous hat pins in favour of the elastic cord.
Dust in summer was a problem for shopkeepers as well as shoppers but Jupiter Pluvius [the rain God] had arranged things much better than previous years. A more up-to-date method of street paving was being looked forward to.
Residents in the Bruntwood area were concerned with the discharge from the Cambridge Co-operative Dairy Company’s butter factory. The drain took in a natural stream flowing from the Maungakawa range and at that time there was not much water in the stream. The residents felt that while they were desirous of doing all possible to encourage the dairying industry, they must not imperil the health of the inhabitants of the district.
March 1912
Locals’ education was advanced as the menagerie of the Wirth’s Circus rolled into town. The lions and the polar bears seemed to attract the most attention.
Eleven Ford motor cars (valued at £2,750) drew up outside Souter & Co’s premises in preparation for a trip to Rotorua. They were photographed by Leo Isherwood then the merry holiday making party of ladies and gentlemen sped off in ideal weather.
Miss K Hicks took on the role as M.C. as to the manner born, when the Maungatautari ladies organised a Leap Year ball in the local hall. The hall was well filled and despite the summer temperature, dancing was indulged in with considerable vim until the small hours.
Fred Potts won the tender for the new Masonic Hotel £4,100 – architect J Currie – and the tender for Dr Robert’s house.
The Matamata County Council were pushing ahead with work on the Crow’s Nest road and residents were looking forward to the deviation. Cr Watkins took exception to the width of the road which he urged should be 25 feet and not 24.
Rain did not deter the polo players or spectators as Cambridge and Hamilton started another round of friendly competition. In the recent polo match Cambridge against Hamilton – ‘The ladies were not in the least disconcerted when rain came down heavily on several occasions, rather did they cheer on the players, whose dripping wet garments seemed to incite them to greater effort.’
Bold headlines were rare in the early Waikato Independent but the local show warranted five lines – Waikato Central Show. Record Entry (2,000) for Waikato. A Magnificent Exposition of Stock, Horses and Cattle. Also Great Home Industry Display.
‘Maintenance of reputation is not an easy matter in many cases, but the Waikato Central Agricultural Association upheld its position today as the organisation carrying out the premier Show of the Auckland Provincial district without the city exposition.’
Mrs Charles Hunter’s mare ‘Bonnie’ had been shown at a number of places over several years and again at the local show took out the first prize. ‘Handsome is as handsome does.’
‘Resident’ was most indignant that a mob of cattle was driven along Hamilton Road into Victoria Street just as the Anglican Church parishioners were arriving for 11 am church service. ‘And not a few ladies were terrified at having to pass the animals.’
E B Hill, chemist of Cambridge, for the Auckland Acclimatisation Association was given authority to pay out 3d for each hawk’s beak presented. This was to help the establishment of game partridges and pheasants.
L A Lewis, Medical Superintendent, called tenders for the supply of meat and six dozens fresh eggs daily for Te Waikato Sanatorium on Maungakawa hill.
Monovale residents met with J McDermott of the Telegraph Engineer’s Department Auckland, when twelve subscribers were forthcoming and bonds entered into. Mr McDermott promised the telephone would be in operation within two months. They also discussed having a daily delivery of mail.
The Cambridge Band was out with collection boxes at a Sacred Concert in the Domain on Sunday afternoon. As well as instrumental pieces, soprano, contralto, tenor and bass solos were rendered.
The choir, conducted by R T Tudehope, sang the ‘Hallelujah Chorus’ and accompaniments were carried out by Miss R Nixon and Mr A Boyce.
Lost at the recent show – rough coated English sheep dog and a £1 note in a pocket book.
Samuel Baldwin wanted two good men – bagman and a feeder – for chaffcutter.
The Independent had a special line of clean white paper (unused) for sale.
Hot pies and first class pastry were a speciality of W Muller when he opened up-to-date Tea Rooms (in conjunction with his bakery in Duke Street ) next to R T Tudehope’s (later Calverts) in Victoria Street.
Mrs W D Shepherd was presented with a gold mounted fountain pen and autograph book, from the Cambridge branch of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, as she left on a trip to the Old Country. She also received a silver sugar scuttle from the Methodist choir.
At the Waikato Hunt Club annual meeting Mr H Waring raised the question of so many outsiders having a free run with the Hunt. Both as a farmer and as a hunting man he objected to such people. They not only paid the Hunt nothing but they scampered about all over the place, broke fences down and left gates open. He suggested that members of the Hunt should wear some distinguishing badge so the ‘adventurers’ might be warned off.
H Mahood and M J Aspin, the local milk vendors, advertised that as of 1st April 1912, milk would be 4 pennies per quart and delivery would be once a day – in the morning.
April 1912
Mr and Mrs David Murray of ‘Orongo’ were embarking on a holiday in the Old Country. Mrs Murray was given a farewell tea by the Cambridge Croquet club in appreciation for her kindness and help and allowing the club access to her home for making tea etc. She was presented with a grey velvet suede [sic] hand-bag. Mr and Mrs J P Asher had taken the Murray’s house in their absence.
Tom Hill drove an Abbott Detroit back from Auckland to add to his father’s (E B Hill) cars for hire. The Abbott was 30 h.p. which had three little buttons to turn on the lights. It had shock absorbers on all springs and rode over holes and ruts as if they were non-existent.
The Maungatautari Hack Racing club wound up and the surplus £36 was given to the Public Hall committee to pay off their debt.
Ken Court advertised that it was not necessary to spend months of laborious toil over making the wedding trousseau – they can now be purchased ready to use.
The Easter Whirl saw residents off to Okoroire to play golf. Baron Bros’ circus was in town for one show only and the Easter Bowling Tournament attracted many visitors.
A handsome silver mounted salad bowl was given to Mr A W G Pearce by the staff of Speight Pearce and Nicoll, on the eve of his marriage to Miss A E Fisher of Pukerimu. The next day Miss Fisher entered St Paul’s church on the arm of her father, dressed in a gown of cream satin charmeuse with cream lace yoke and under sleeves, tuile veil embroidered with silk and a wreath of orange blossoms.
A bullock, intended for the slaughter yards, escaped and rushed at a few pedestrians. ‘He then charged a passing cyclist. The latter nimbly hopped off his machine, and finding that his quarry had escaped him, the bullock proceeded to demolish the bicycle.’
New motor by-laws were passed in Wellington including that all drivers of private cars must obtain certificates of ability from an appointed inspector.
Mr W L C Williams had drafted a plan with regards to extending the Cambridge railway line by 15 miles to connect with the Rotorua line at Tirau.
Cambridge golfers joined others from Auckland, Waihi and Hamilton at Okoroire and won the Medal Handicap, Mixed Foursome and the Bogey Handicap.
The patients of Te Waikato Sanatorium were most appreciative of being entertained by the gifted young New Zealand contralto, Miss Thelma Petersen.
After a continuous residence of 34 years, the Ven Archdeacon Willis and his family left the Vicarage for their new home in Queen Street.
A memorial service to the late Mr E R Dennison, who drowned in the Hamilton Lake during Easter, was held in the Town Hall Supper room. The Rev J Spottiswoode made feeling allusions to the great loss both the Baptist church and the Oddfellows had sustained.
Hon T MacKenzie was in the Waikato to officially open the Ruakura Farm of Instruction.
“A Challenge – ‘Kennilworth’ v ‘Laurels’ Boarders. We, the former, believe you, the latter, can do things fairly well – almost as well as we can perform them: but we doubt your ability at Rugby Football.”
‘The Cambridge Golf Club decided that only boy caddies be licensed, and the attention of members be drawn to the fact that the proprietor of the links [Mr Arnold] objects to dogs being taken onto the property. Members were also urged to be particular in the matter of closing the gates.’
Enormous crowds braved the heavy rain in New York, waiting for the arrival of the liner ‘Carpathia’ and the survivors of the ill fated ‘Titanic’.
The Town Hall was full of blooms, pot plants and produce as the annual Chrysanthemum Show got underway. Mr J Chambers took the main prize, Mrs Wells took the prizes for grand array of 24 dahlia blooms and pot plants, and Mr Buckland for begonias.
At their farewell social, the Ven Archdeacon Willis recalled that he took up residence in Cambridge 2 February 1878. The Vicarage, only five rooms, had just been completed for the then family of four. The church was only a shell and not well furnished. At the first evening service the building was lighted with candles hung on the walls in tin sconces. A kerosene lamp was produced from the Vicarage so the minister could see. The population of Cambridge then was about 400 people but the circuit took in Matamata, Walton and Morrinsville plus 200 men of the Armed Constabulary.
The Archdeacon and Mrs Willis received a purse in excess of 100 guineas. He had the word of the Bishop that he could return to Auckland after three years – but Cambridge became his one and only parish.
May 1912
The Hon G W Russell (Minister for Internal Affairs) included a visit to Cambridge while visiting the Te Waikato Sanatorium and Ruakura Farm of Instruction. As a former resident (newspaper editor in the 1880s) he was afforded a public reception in the Town Hall and an evening of musical entertainment.
G W Russell was a strong advocate for Cambridge becoming a borough in 1886 and now (1912) saw the appearance of comfort, prosperity and happiness amongst the people. With so many of his old friends to greet him he believed Cambridge had retained the reputation of being one of the healthiest districts in the Dominion.
F J Marfell accepted the agency of the Krit motorcar. The 4-cylinder 20 – 30 h.p. car was advertised for £275. The Warren motor-car dealership went to John Ferguson and he sold his first car to C H Priestley. It was a Model K (30 h.p.) five-seater.
The contractor for the new swimming baths (in Victoria Street ) could reduce the contract by £25 because council had reduced the proportion of concrete. Mr Butler the engineer would not recommend the alteration and would not take responsibility of it!
A new telegraph wire was being installed from Auckland to Rotorua which would enable Cambridge to be connected direct to Rotorua, Tauranga and Opotiki. There were 102 local subscribers.
The children of the Rangi Ruru School, attired as nurses, gave a clever display of bandaging at an entertainment in the Town Hall. An exhibition of Indian Club swinging showed excellent training in calisthenics, and a fancy dance ‘The Order of the Fan’ was gracefully executed.
A Correspondent wrote calling attention to the reckless riding of horses through the streets of the borough, especially at night time. He suggests that it is quite time that action was taken by the police in the interests of those on foot, whose safety he considers endangered by the fast pace indulged in by the horsemen. [Boy racers!]
The Waikato Hunt fixtures for May were being held at Bruntwood, Whatawhata, Pickering’s Corner, Ngaruawahia, Tamahere, Pukekura and Morrinsville.
The election results for the Cambridge Road Board were W Newell – 113, W Harbutt – 85, G Booth – 80 and J Hooker – 79. Not elected were W H Hall and H Tyler.
The art of dancing was not overlooked in Cambridge with Madame Isherwood giving lessons to learners on Tuesday evening and children on Saturday afternoon.
The Cambridge Co-operative Dairy Company was to extend its field of operation by erecting an up-to-date creamery in the Maungatautari district. The settlers guaranteed to supply from 500 cows.
The Mayor, Mr Geo Dickinson, assured the Council that he inspected the swimming baths progress daily and from his observations and the engineer’s report he thought everything was fine and there were no grounds for Councillor Wells’ foreboding.
At the Cambridge District School all pupils who sat the Junior Civil Service exam passed and Miss Daisy O’Neill gained 34th place in the Dominion.
The royal swans given by His Majesty, King George, to the Cambridge Domain Board, were veritable monarchs and had driven off the two swans that the Board had bought a while back. The hen swan had fretted and died and the Board hoped to bring in a replacement for the poor widower.
‘Reliable and safe in harness’ was an understatement when Rasmus Christensen sold a horse to Albert Clark Edwards. After it went for a mile it lay down and another horse had to pull the gig. The judge ordered the money be repaid with 14 shilling costs.
A certain motor car was observed to traverse Victoria Street at a pace of from 30 to 40 miles per hour. ‘‘Road Hogs’ they were called in other places – and sooner or later there would be some serious accident.
Because of a subsidence of one of the walls of the swimming baths, in course of construction, the Council decided to appoint a Clerk of Works.
A correspondent enquired as to whether the ‘new brooms’ (new councillors) would be out clearing the rotting leaves from the footpaths – in a few places they were completely smothered.
Both bowling and tennis clubs were winding up their seasons and rugby ‘roll ups’ started making an appearance. Hockey was still being played with Leamington players – Fitzgerald, J Chambers, Kingdon, Hall, Faulkner, Mann, R Chambers, Rout, Keeley, Hicks, White and Williams – gearing up to play Roto-o-rangi.
The Council had a gas lamp erected in the dark entranceway of the Carnegie Library. Mr T Richards applied for a licence to use the Alexander Hall as a skating rink and for picture shows.
There was a quiet, pretty wedding at St Peters Catholic Church when Miss Anna Plescher of Cambridge married Mr Vincent Cassin of Pirongia. She wore a cream frock with a train and silk fringe.
“Persons trespassing around Lake Roto-o-rangi with dog or gun, will be prosecuted. H C Bertelsen. N Peake.”
“Trespassers on Broadmeadows Estate, Hautapu, will be prosecuted and all greyhounds shot. John Martyn.”
“Wanted – By Lady. Board and lodgings, or rooms with use of conveniences. Apply by letter. ‘Anxious’, Independent.”
Seven years’ imprisonment and hard labour was handed down in an Auckland court, to a journeyman tailor of Cambridge for assaulting a little girl.
The fair maidens of Karapiro put on a most enjoyable social for the local Territorials in Mr Hulse’s barn. Games and dancing kept everyone happy and a dainty supper completed the evening.
Wilkinson & Co advertised that they had been in the bicycle business for many years and that most of the people selling them now ‘hardly know a bicycle from a bar of soap.’
The ‘New York Evening Post’ ran stories from the survivors of the Titanic. ‘The passengers admitted themselves that they did not think that the great ship would sink, even after they had left her. But presently, before the first of the boats had got away from her side, all saw the danger of her situation.’
June 1912
Thirty-five members of the local scout troop, in the charge of Rev W E Connelly, travelled to Auckland to welcome Lieut-General Baden Powell to New Zealand. They spoke most enthusiastically of their first acquaintance with their gallant officer.
Sunday evening at 5 minutes past 6 a severe earthquake was felt in Cambridge for a full 20 seconds. The walls of houses trembled, and pictures and ornaments were shaken and many people made a hurried exit into the open.
Curle’s Pictures started showing in the Alexandra Hall in opposition to the Empire Picture Company which showed at the Town Hall. Rudall Hayward shortly afterwards took over the Empire’s circuit and Mr J M Gillespie was given a hearty farewell.
Shortly after two o’clock on Saturday a cyclone swept across Hautapu; to Gwynnelands where it toppled a haystack; touched Leamington and upset a tree onto a buggy and took a veranda off a house; then over to Ohaupo. No-one was hurt.
The Pukeroro rainfall for May was half the norm at 1.97 inches. Windmills were also idle with an unusual lack of wind generally.
Local successes at the Waikato Winter Show in Hamilton included:
Mrs C A Care – 1st for preserved pears and rhubarb; 2nd for 3 varieties of preserves – preserved peaches, English plums, apples, rhubarb, nectarines and tomato sauce; 3rd for preserved quinces, Japanese plums, nectarines and preserved tomatoes.
Miss L Veale – 1st for marmalade, orange marmalade and Japanese plum jam and pie melon jam. 1st for handmade underclothing (flannel). 2nd for 3 varieties of jam.
Mr Geo Watt was motoring to Hamilton with a group of friends when the back axle of his car snapped through a jolt caused by a hole in the road.
The Pukekura Road Board set a general rate of ½ penny in the £ on all property in the Pukekura District. Mr Cox of Roto-o-rangi was asked to collect the £25 promised by the settlers towards repairs to the Paratire Road. Non-ratepayers were to be charged one shilling and sixpence for a load of gravel from any of their pits.
Thomas F Richards was fined £1 with costs of £1 14s for calling the mayor, George Dickinson, “You are a bally old humbug; you are unfit for the position you occupy and are biased against me.”
In the local Court J H Cowling of Karapiro claimed from William Hickey £20 damages for a breach of a fencing contract. The fence did not comply with the Fencing Act. Mr Cowling was awarded £12 damages and £10 costs.
Employees of Mr Jas Taylor of ‘Bardowie’ (Robert Ferguson, H Rae, W McLeod, E Cliffen, W Denton, G Welch, T Medhurst and Bert Thorpe) presented a silver tea and coffee service to Miss Bird Taylor on her approaching marriage to Charles Meredith.
‘Troublous financial times have overtaken the Cambridge Brass Band, and a dissolution, anyhow for the present, has been decided on.’ The causes were lack of funds and falling membership but their weekly dances would continue.
The Hon. G W Russell, while in Ohaupo opening the Waipa County Council’s new offices, received a number of local deputations. Cambridge needed an extension of time to complete the swimming baths (and gain the government subsidy) – granted. Also granted was the request to have the Cambridge and Kaipaki telephone lines linked up.
Geo Clark & Sons were having new enlarged brick premises built in Duke Street. They announced they were still trading in Hallenstein’s building – three doors down Duke Street.
Cambridge High School pupils presented Mr Charles Meredith, on the approach of his marriage, with a set of fish knives and forks. The staff gave him a silver cake basket and butter dish. The head teacher and chairman offered their felicitations.
Weekly dancing lessons were given by Jack Sercombe in the Hautapu hall and fortnightly dances were well patronised.
Messrs E Fraser and A Blackman were elected new members of the Chamber of Commerce. Eric J F Fraser had just become a partner in the legal firm of Gillies & Gilfillan.
Pastor Russell of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society prophesised the end of the world for 1915.
The Literary and Debating Society was re-formed under the auspices of the YMCA. The first subject for discussion was ‘Skating versus Dancing in the Town Hall’. It was hoped that the effort to add to the intellectual life of the town would receive adequate support and ‘provide some means for the exercise and expression of the thinking power of the locality’.
A new posting box was erected by the Postal Department on the corners of Thornton Road, Robinson and Williams Streets. It was cleared at 10:15a.m. and 4:15p.m. daily.
July 1912
Leamington had nearly 100 houses and was petitioning the Postal Department for a twice daily letter delivery to the houses – instead of the twice daily delivery to the Leamington Post Office.
The Waikato Hunt met twice weekly in July at Broadmeadows, Taupiri, Gray’s corner at Pukerimu, Tamahere, Morrinsville, Hautapu School, Te Awamutu and Bruntwood.
The flag was hoisted on the Masonic Hotel as the roof was completed and the ceremony of ‘honouring the flag’ was celebrated. The proprietorship changed hands from Mr W S King to J Fleming.
The Boy Scouts took part in the first of a series of competitions for the Waikato Boy Scouts Challenge Shield. Cambridge, Hamilton and Frankton Scouts were represented in boxing (won by Hamilton), signalling (won by Cambridge) and First Aid (won by Frankton).
The second officer of the late ‘Titanic’, replying to the question of the Commission – did he send the women first by the orders of the captain or because it was the rule of the sea? said “It is the rule of human nature.”
The death was announced of Elizabeth, relict of Joseph Gane, aged 76 years. She was buried at Pukerimu.
It was indeed a glorious run at ‘Broadmeadows’ with the Waikato Hunt as they experienced the longest and fastest run in the district. The length of the run was about eight or nine miles and from a field of about sixty there were only eight in at the kill. Mrs Wynne Brown on ‘‘Exchange’, the master on ‘Jock’, Mr F Reynolds on ‘Count’, Mr W Taylor on ‘Yoeman’, Mr F Vosper on ‘Doctor’, Mr Dodd on ‘St Clipper’, Mr Smith on ‘Duchess’ and Tui on ‘Symphony’.
Karapiro correspondent noted that the weather was exceptionally cold and some of the bachelors were building new houses. Their £1000 in rates had not come to much so far as road repairs were concerned and he notes – “unless we receive a fair ‘divi’ at the proper time next year, more will be heard from Karapiro.”
Four young local men were fined £1 with 11 shillings costs for not turning up at compulsory training. One would have been fined for leaving his contract; another would only get 4 shillings a day whereas at work he got 9 shillings; one had a sick wife and the other didn’t realise he was supposed to go.
Henry Mahood was charged with vending milk for human consumption, containing water in excess of 3½ per cent.
C Boyce claimed £12 14 shillings from Seth Webb for goods provided to the Hora Hora Power Station. It was a tangled case with various partners involved but C Boyce came out the winner.
‘A Lover of Good Bread’ complained that he not only had to toast his bread to make it edible but that the shop assistant had to walk through mud over her shoe tops, to the bakery to get the bread.
‘Progressive’ was wondering why there was a pile of gravel sitting at the railway yard and not being spread into the pot holes.
‘Progress’ was annoyed that he had been planted down in a mud hole with his horse floundering in fright. Another elderly gent had been thrown from his cart into the middle of the road. Why hasn’t Cambridge got a surfaceman to deal with the roads?
Miss B Keys, principal of Rangi-Ruru Private School in Cambridge, disposed of her school to Miss E M Clark as she was about to marry. Ethel Clark had recently been teaching at the Leamington School .
Harry Smith, a newcomer to Cambridge, pilfered goods from Brooks’ the local chemist. He then tried to sell them to Constable Garvey, who happened to be in civilian clothes.
‘The local owner-trainer Mr R Hannon, left per Main Trunk last night for Trentham. He took with him Mr Ross’ mare ‘Salute’, Mr N Banks’ ‘Uranium’, and the gelding ‘Zante’. All three are contestants both at Wellington and Christchurch. Mr Hannon has no less than fifteen horses in active training at his headquarters at Hautapu.’
£29 was raised by Cambridge people for a little boy in Huntly who, while crossing the railway line, slipped and had both hands severed, being run over by a railway wagon.
The tender of A Cooper & Sons was accepted for the new brick Baptist Church in Queen Street.
Lydia Flora Hobbs, poundkeeper, had 4 spring heifers in the public pound waiting for the owner to claim.
Sam Lewis, the captain of the 16th (Waikato) Regiment ordered ‘D’ company to meet at the Alexandra Hall for a full day’s parade. ‘Dress: Marching orders, slouch hats, rifles and bayonets, lunches in haversacks. All members absent without leave will be fined.’
August 1912
A fancy dress skating carnival was held at Alexandra Hall. Miss A Carr in a ‘Harem’ costume won first prize, Miss H Norman as ‘Night’ second and Miss M Roberts as ‘Miss Muffett’ was third.
As the Cambridge Subscription for the little boy, Clyde Redshaw of Huntly rose to £46, Mr Curle of the Curle Pictures donated a Saturday’s matinee takings to the cause.
Over one hundred people crowded into the Hautapu hall as residents held a Waltz competition at their local dance. Mr J Byrne of Cambridge was judge and he had a tough job, but finally announced Mr A Pretty and his wife, of Matangi as the winners.
The Chamber of Commerce was to petition the Post & Telegraph department to extend telephone time half an hour each morning from 8 a.m. to 7.30 a.m. and for one hour on Sunday morning and another on Sunday afternoon.
The Borough Council, not sure who to blame for the overly expensive swimming baths, decided to ‘make the best of a bad job’. They would remedy the fact that the changing shed had no roofs and add pegs for bathers to hang their clothes on.
‘Mud Bespattered’ wondered if the roads were so bad because the local bodies were hoarding the annual rates or was the money being squandered?
At the Leamington meeting of the Band of Hope, Mr C S Beer thanked the Pukekura Seventh Day Adventist Training Centre pupils for their entertainment. Needless to say every item was a good one.
The next Saturday, Walter Robert Beer, son of C S Beer, was married to Miss Annie Simpson, the daughter of George Simpson of Alpha Street. The bride wore a becoming dress of cream lustre, the time-honoured veil and orange blossoms and carried a handsome shower bouquet. They spent their honeymoon in Rotorua.
The Cambridge Hockey Association organised their annual ball for Saturday. The usual dance at the Hautapu Hall was on Tuesday evening and on Wednesday the Cambridge Band held their fortnightly dance. (There was no need for a gym.)
Robert Coates Dyer died suddenly from a heart attack after chopping wood. He was 78 years old and had been Headmaster of the Cambridge District High School for 12 years from 1889 to 1901. He met his wife on the sailing ship ‘Joseph Fletcher’ and they married after arriving in New Zealand in 1853. Mr Dyer was a senior member of the Anglican vestry and a prominent Freemason. As was the custom, the brethren dropped sprigs of acacia on the coffin.
An electric arc lamp illuminated Victoria Street, outside the Alexandra Hall, on Tuesday and Saturday nights in association with the Curle Picture Shows. The power was generated by the dynamo used for the pictures.
The magistrate in the S.M. Court fined Charles Craig with supplying a prohibited man with liquor. Jim Stewart was convicted of damaging a sign board. C Nicholls was charged for not turning up for military training. Wenzl Schollum was fined £5 for not killing rabbits on his property. John Ferguson, Wm Brockelsby and E R Day were all fined for not keeping wage books. Patrick Crosby was fined £14 5 shillings for charging exorbitant prices for goods supplied to his four workers.
Scouter Tom O’Toole won a pair of binoculars for being the neatest, best behaved, disciplined and best all round Scout in the 1st Cambridge Troop.
Fencourt and Hautapu applied to the government for postal deliveries in their areas. At that time residents from both districts had to go to either Cambridge or Hautapu to post or receive their mail. Hautapu already had a telephone service (which cut off at 5 pm) and Fencourt was pushing for a similar service.
After the laying of the Foundation Stone of the new Baptist Tabernacle in Queen Street, the committee provided a sit down tea at the Town Hall supper room for those attending. H M Smeeton presided and Rev H Knowles Kempton gave the address.
The Cambridge Library Committee resigned ‘en masse’ due to a lack of communication with the Borough Council. The new Carnegie Library came under a new scheme of management whereby two councillors and two residents’ representatives were elected each year. The old library committee were to keep their positions.
A petition signed by over 200 Leamington residents was presented to the Postmaster General asking for a postal delivery to their door – the same as Cambridge East residents. Karapiro got their mail delivered to their Post Office on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoon by the cream carrier. They were also agitating for a more convenient service.
The local dairy factories opened again after the winter break and milk was being delivered three times a week.
Various associations of automobilists throughout the country met the Minister of Internal Affairs, Hon H D Bell, in Wellington to regulate speed limits, license cars and drivers and the maintenance of roads.
Miss Ethel Clark was presented with a rattan table and silver topped trinket box as she left the Leamington School to take over the Rangi Ruru Private School. Miss Blanche Keys, of the Rangi Ruru Private School was presented with a silver entrée dish as she left to marry Richard Clark of Mosgiel.
At least 200 people arrived in Leamington to join the festivities at the opening of the new Town Hall. Charles Chitty, the resident of the longest standing in Leamington, did the honours and declared the hall open. After the formalities there was a concert and then the seats were cleared away and dancing continued into the wee small hours.
There was a fancy dress social at Taotaoroa to farewell Miss Eleanor Brunskill on the eve of her marriage to R J Dunning. Some of the costumes were – Miss Muirhead, a Red Cross Nurse; Miss Dunning, an old forrester; Mrs Jeans, a moonbeam; Mr G Hulse was a Spaniard; Roy Dunning a French Count; Tom Bruce a Highlander; Colin Muirhead a famous beauty (Miss Till).
The nett proceeds of the children’s fancy dress ball went to the foundation funds to establish a library at the Cambridge District High School.
September 1912
In lieu of reducing the Town Hall fee for the children’s fancy dress ball, the Council granted £2 to the High School Library fund. They raised about £30 which was met £ for £ by the Government.
Miss Mercer (girls over 12 years) won a wrist watch. Helen Crowther (under 12) as ‘Rosebud’ won a gold necklace donated by Mrs Channing Buckland. Jack Young as a Clown was given a set of hair brushes donated by the Committee. Roy Nicholas (under 12) as a Chinaman was given a gold watch and chain. The children finished the night at 9 pm with a dainty supper and the adults kept things merry for several hours.
Linesmen were busy in the Monavale district erecting poles for telephonic communication. New residences were popping up, swamp land was being brought into cultivation and the residents were determined that the state of the roads would not leave them in a state of isolation next winter.
The antiquated and inferior lighting system on the platform of the Cambridge Railway station was criticised by the Mayor. He thought the oil lamps should be replaced by gas lamps and it was agreed ‘to request the Minister of Railways to give instruction for the change to be effected.’
Channing Buckland of Monavale had started his herd of Holsteins with cows, bulls and calves from Messrs Wood Bros of Tamaki. In August 1912 he imported 16 more from Canada. He believed the Holstein excelled any other breed for dairy farming purposes.
Mrs Barbara Craig proceeded against her husband for maintenance for herself and seven children – the youngest 14 years old. Mr Chas Craig, a tailor in Cambridge, reckoned that at his age his children should be keeping him instead of him being asked to keep them. The Magistrate perused his account book and found that Charles was not making expenses. Mr Lewis, lawyer, asked how many race meetings he attended and how many drinks had he had. The bench made an order for payment of £1 per week and had no objection of a prohibition order issued against him.
A great deal of interest was taken in the horse parade in conjunction with the annual Spring Horse Fair. The number of entries (over 1,000) was well up to the average of recent years and demonstrated the fine quality of horse-flesh to be found in the Waikato. The fair ran over three days and the categories were unbroken horses, draughts and light horses.
Every available bed in hotels and boarding houses was occupied during the week of the Spring Horse Fair. Many people had to proceed to Hamilton to get lodgings. There were buyers from Bay of Plenty, Palmerston North, Taranaki and the South Island. Good draught horses were fetching £40 to £52.
The Bazaar and Fancy Fair, organized by the Catholic Church was well attended. The stalls in the Town Hall included fancy work, lollies, refreshments, needlework, variety and toys. Palmist and clairvoyant, Madam Verona, held sessions for those interested in the mystic arts. The local band played an interesting medley of tunes on the Town Hall steps.
About 200 Leamington residents waited outside the new Town Hall to hear the results of their Town Board elections. W White, A C Hill and A Harris did not seek re-election. Lovatt got 165 votes, W J Morse 128, C Lockett 117, W J White 116, C Jarrett 110, J T Jarrett 108, and J Keeley 103.
Mrs Louisa M Godley (wife of General Godley) wrote to the women of New Zealand asking that they raise money for a district rifle shooting prize to encourage their sons, brothers, nephews and cousins to do their best at the Senior Cadets competitions.
Joy reigned in Monavale as 16 telephone subscribers were linked with Cambridge on the party line system. The Bertelsens, Russos, Rugg Bros, Browns and Doyles celebrated by having a telephone concert and their vocal and musical items were very clear and distinct.
The Mayor (Geo Dickinson) opened the Spring Flower Show in the Town Hall on behalf of the Presbyterian Church. He congratulated the exhibitors for upholding Cambridge’s fame for excellence of flowers, the cultivation of which had been largely inspired by the efforts of Thos Wells and W F Buckland. At the end of the week the Presbyterians had £125 to add to their building fund.
It was blowing a gale and raining as the Waikato Mounted Rifles troopers competed for the Surgeon Major Roberts Cup. The troopers were given points for dress, judging distance, time and hits on target. Sergeant Ormiston won with 103 points out of 125.
Miss Grace Hill, daughter of Mr and Mrs E B Hill was married in St Andrew’s church, to Arthur J Williamson. She wore a cream silk striped voile trimmed with silk lace and orange blossom. Her sisters Cora and Ethel were bridesmaids. The wedding breakfast was held at ‘Waireinga’, the residence of the bride’s parents.
October 1912
The equinoctial gales took the verandah off a new house owned by Rex Dunning at Taotaoroa. September had 6.1 inches of rain – twice as much as the previous year.
Swing gates were put at each end of the path through Council land, to access Victoria Street from Wilson Street near the swimming pool.
The numbers at the Masonic Ball in the Town Hall, would have doubled had the weather been more conducive. Messrs Buchanan provided a recherché supper which was done justice to by all.
The engineers and bricklayers, who were employed on the extensions of the Hautapu factory, called on Miss Beange and presented her with a jewel casket. They thanked her for the happy way she had looked after them during their stay and for catering for their creature comforts.
The Waikato Scouts held their second competition for the Waikato Shield in Cambridge. Although the Cambridge Troop was on top in the first round, they could only manage a second place in this round. Hamilton was first.
C A Roberts of Taylor Street had a medical examination and signed a declaration for the Defence Department but had no idea he had been accepted until he was fined 5 shillings for not attending a parade that he didn’t know about.
Milk was reduced from 4 pence to 3 pence a quart.
The Waikato Independent advertised that it carried out all book binding of all descriptions and had clean white paper to sell.
Mr A Hopkirk wanted two men for fencing and digging his garden.
Miss Veale in Queen Street – phone 29 for all floral work.
Jim Norries and Bert Davis both had Landau (horse and carriages) for hire.
James Marshall, a workman at the Horahora Electrical works, was standing on a plank when it broke. He fell 22 feet to the ground, landing on his feet and fracturing one ankle and dislocating the other.
A roll of £500 in bank notes was reported missing in Cambridge. The owner was very relieved to find he had a hole in his pocket and the notes had worked their way into the lining of his jacket.
Leamington residents agreed to sell the old town hall, of which Mr James Keeley revealed he had been a Trustee for 36 years. It was formerly the Methodist church – built in 1876.
An extract from the proceedings of the Local Government Conference held in May 1912 stated that the Cambridge Domain was the best kept in the Dominion.
‘Fountain pens, which have now come to be regarded as a necessity, may now, through Mr E J Wilkinson’s direct buying, be obtained at 5/- [5 shillings], 6/6 [6 shillings and 6 pence] and 7/6 [7 shillings and 6 pence]. These pens, which are fitted with 14 carat gold nibs, are guaranteed or money returned.’
‘The town baths are now completed, and with the swimming season approaching it is quite time a movement was made in the direction of forming a swimming club.’ Apparently there were a number of residents with the ‘natatorial art’ who could promote this ‘fascinating and healthy pastime.’
Mr George Clements, an ex army man, arrived in Cambridge to become the conductor of the Cambridge Band. He had come up from Milton on the main trunk express and experienced a stop on the line at Ohakune. He and the other passengers, had to walk six miles to another train because the coach could not get through the bush road. His luggage was left beside the track with the promise from the railway officials that it would reach its destination in due course.
J C Sawers, Sam Lewis and Fred Potts left Cambridge at 1 pm and motored to Rotorua in time for tea at 7 pm. The block and tackle was used on numerous occasions to pull themselves out of the mud in the Mamaku bush.
It rained on the second day of J C Sawers, Sam Lewis and Fred Potts’ motor journey over to Whakatane. Saturday they travelled 82 miles to Tauranga taking 7¾ hours. Sunday they started out for Katikati, Waihi, Paeroa and Te Aroha – a distance of 67 miles taking 6½ hours. The road from Paeroa to Te Aroha was ‘simply atrocious’. Monday, the final run of 47 miles was from Te Aroha via Hamilton and was most enjoyable with no breakdowns on the whole trip.
Two ladies driving a sulky down Victoria Street attempted a tight turn, upset their conveyance, and landed on the road. Fortunately they were not hurt.
The Cambridge Amateur Swimming Club was formed with Dr Roberts as president and Mayor Dickinson, D R Caldwell, E Souter, M Wells, C C Buckland, S Lewis and J Rowe vice presidents. C Hally was honorary secretary treasurer.
The new Masonic Hotel, with 24 bedrooms was opened on the site of the former building which burnt down about a year ago. ‘The entrance hall is wide and roomy, with a handsome staircase leading to the upper storey while effective diffused light is afforded by handsome stained glass windows.’
The old Leamington Town Hall , which had served the district well for 40 years, was sold for £5 – the iron being the best part of the building.
The Town Hall floor shone like glass as Mr J Conder prepared it for Cambridge Band’s wind-up social. This tempted many devotees to dance the whole programme. In turn they made short work of the tasty supper.
The Band benefitted from the financial success but also ‘promoted social intercourse among a considerable body of young people in Cambridge and the district generally.’
The new Monavale School opened with Miss Crickett, the school mistress calling the roll and 25 students answering their names. Mr J S Fisher, chairman of the Pukerimu School, performed the ceremony and then everyone went to C C Buckland’s home for afternoon tea. ‘A right royal time was spent until it was time for evening milking when everyone wended their way home.’
‘One of the worst lighted towns in the Dominion’, was often uttered by visitors to Cambridge. But the introduction of more lamps and automatic lamp lighters, operated from the gasworks, put paid to that. The engineer did point out though that overtime would have to be paid if the lights stayed on after 10.30 pm.
November 1912
Mr John Bruce and Miss Annie Meldrum were married at the home of Mrs Bruce at Taotaoroa. The bridesmaids were Misses F and N Bruce and best man was J R Mitchell and groomsman Mr Alec Bruce.
The Leamington Town Board named the road running through the Domain from Shelley Street to Pope’s Terrace, Bracken Street , after the author of ‘Not Understood’.
Residents experienced ‘bubbling’ in their gas supply as extra pressure was needed when the automatic lighters for the street lamps were turned on and ‘fizzing’ when they were turned off. The lighters were controlled via a pilot light in each lamp.
Mr R T Tudehope bought a ‘Krit’ car from Mr F J Marfell and ‘… after taking two or three lessons is, we are informed, quite a proficient driver.’ The 1913 model will have some new features like a speedometer and, for an extra £15, a self starter.
Messrs James Bros opened a new, large and commodious building on the corner of Victoria and Duke Streets (adjacent to the Post Office) and moved their grocery business from Duke Street. The new establishment comprised two shops, one being for crockery, glass and hardware, the other for groceries.
A petition of 30 Karapiro and Taotaoroa signatures was sent to the Post Master General asking for improved postal facilities.
Mr J Sim resigned from the local Telephone Exchange to take a position in the local branch of the Bank of New South Wales. Mr W H Bailey who had recently transferred to Ngaruawahia exchange, re-transferred back to Cambridge.
The Chief Post Master at Auckland informed the Chamber of Commerce that Cambridge would get three new pillar boxes. One at the south end of the Victoria Bridge , one at the corner of Grey and Clare streets and one at the corner of Hamilton road and Vogel street.
Mr J E Makgill of Epsom wrote to the local Waikato Farmers’ Club asking to be allowed to speak on the advantages of affiliating with the Farmers’ Union.
The Cambridge Co-operative Dairy Company could not see their way to providing Cow Testing for this season. Mr Butler, the secretary informed the members of the Waikato Farmers’ Club that he had advertised all over the Dominion for a suitable tester, but nobody had turned up.
King Mahutu Tawhiao te Wherowhero died at Waahi, near Tauwhare at the age of 57 years. Tu Kotuku, a sister of the deceased lives at Maungatautari.
Local entries in the Waikato A &P Show in Hamilton, including Taylors, Vospers, Allen, Watts, Hunter and Reynolds took out some of the main prizes in the horse sections. McFarlane and Watt excelled with their Hereford cattle. Mrs C A (Maria) Care got first for preserved fruit, preserved rhubarb, tomato sauce, cream puffs and preserved pears.
The Leamington School received its usual government grant and a special grant of £15 2 shillings and 11 pence for the cost of a new well recently sunk.
The swimming bath was filled with 60,000 gallons of water and within a week it had all drained away. The engineer would not be held accountable as the council had taken the work out of his hands. The contractor declared he had duly carried out the specifications. The engineer would fix the leak and guarantee it for three months on payment of £10.
Both Mr Curle and Mr Hayward were to be leased the Town Hall for one night a week to show their selections of movie pictures. Mr Hayward wanted exclusive rights to the Town Hall but at the end of the voting he got nothing.
Mr Bailey of Tirau and Mr H Roche (engineer at the Horahora power station) were angling for fish from their canoe in the middle of the Waikato River, when it capsized. Fortunately the anchor caught and they were able to cling onto the canoe until passing motorists saw their plight. Another boat had to be dispatched to pluck them from the swift current.
Messrs Speight, Pearce and Nicoll, next to the railway yard, built a new joinery workshop with machines for circular moulding, fret work and band sawing. They employ 13 men and deal with every branch of material needed for building purposes.
The 4th Regiment of the Waikato Mounted Rifles met to present Lieutenant John Bruce with an escritoire on the occasion of his lately having joined the order of benedicts.
Messrs Marfell, Prosser, Lea and Cooke were the first party of motorists for the summer season to get through to the Waitomo caves. The Hangitiki – Waitomo road was positively dangerous with great holes and ruts.
Mr M P McDermott took the prize for champion rose ‘Hugh Dickson’, at the local show. Mrs E Veale took the prizes for a Basket of Flowers, Ladies Sprays and an Alter Cross. Mrs F J Brooks won the Collection of Cut Flowers and Mrs Hunter excelled with her Sweet Peas.
December 1912
The fire fiend struck again and the National Hotel and Roman Catholic Presbytery were demolished. Rev Father Murphy lost almost the whole of his valuable library. Mrs Wells’ residence ‘Oakleigh’ caught fire three times but the flames were quickly put out by the gardener. Mrs Murphy’s buildings opposite on Alpha Street and Crowther & Bell to the west of the hotel were often in danger as the wind changed.
The swimming baths were half filled with water and there were no leaks. The opening was to be inaugurated by having a free day for the school pupils on Saturday – girls in the morning and boys in the afternoon.
The Polo season opened on the ‘Bardowie’ field with over 150 spectators. Several matches were played but it was thought that without better mounts the locals would not have much success in the forthcoming competitions.
Messrs Ken Court and J Mullin wrote to Council asking for two willow trees to be chopped down from outside their residences in Victoria Street. The Council said ‘no’ as they were very much admired.
Mr John Fisher of Kaipaki thanked the Waipa County Council members for its expression of confidence in electing him chairman of the Waipa County Council for the fifteenth time.
The repairs to the swimming baths failed and further work was needed. ‘Leaves and dust blowing onto the water have also revealed the advisability of the erection of a roof over the bath.’
Bert Davis’ horses were barely scratched after they bolted down Duke Street hill and reduced the cab to matchwood against the bank.
14,470 books had been borrowed from the Cambridge Library during the year. There were 2793 books in the library.
‘Like certain misguided members of the community elsewhere in the Dominion (Waihi miners’ were striking) the Town Clock went on strike. A conference with its master, the Borough Engineer, brought good results and the usual work was resumed.’
The Senior Cadets were informed that at parades it was a civil offence to refuse to’Fall in’; to fall out without permission; laughing, talking, or playing the fool; insolence or disobedience when given an order. And if they did not attend the required number of drills their names would be given to the police.
G E Clark & Sons’ name was blazened in red across their new concrete building in Duke Street. The inside was sub-divided for counter trade, grain storage, farm implements and offices. The premises were lit by roof windows.
The steep incline in front of the National Hotel, the main approach to town from the railway, was to be levelled before the building of the new hotel got underway.
The members of the Baptist church rejoiced at the opening of their new church in Queen Street. The foundation stone was laid in August and the brick and concrete building held 200 people. It cost £1000 and had a Sunday School attached.
Three Cambridge Boy Scouts shot for the Morgan Cup in Hamilton against scouts from Te Awamutu, Frankton and Hamilton. The Cambridge representatives, Laurie Webber (75 points), C Drury (74 points) and McNeish (71 points) were the winners.
William Godfrey Collins, one of the original pioneers of the town, died aged 73 years. It was noted that ‘few of his old time associates survive him’. He had studied medicine in Ireland but the Australian gold fields called. He joined the 3rd Waikato Militia and came to New Zealand where he remained. Before the railway in 1886 he was a guide from Cambridge to the Hot Lake of Rotorua.
‘The latest form of business enterprise in Cambridge is the opening of an up-to-date restaurant by Mr H Beavis next to the Alexandra Hall.’
The Seventh Day Adventists moved their training college operation to a property near Longburn in the Manawatu. They sold their large 54 room building at Pukekura, along with 100 acres of farmland, to W & E Nickle. On 23 December it was completely destroyed by fire.
Miss Delia McPherson, from the Auckland Training college, will temporarily take up the position at the Cambridge Primary School left by Miss Bull who has been transferred.
Ven Archdeacon Walsh was to take an extended holiday and resigned as chairman of the Library committee. Longer hours in the library would come into effect in January.
‘Strawberry growing on a fairly extensive scale is being pursued by Mr C Wiseman on his farm at Hautapu, and despite the fact that it is the first season of the cultivation of the plants heavy yields are forthcoming, thus demonstrating that the fruit can be grown with great success in the Cambridge district.’
The motoring party of Messrs Sawers, Lewis and Potts, who were ‘Fording’ their way to Wellington, sent a telegram saying, ‘Arrived New Plymouth, all well, no mishaps.’
Both Hautapu and Cambridge West schools held their break-up picnics in lovely sunny weather. Mr Dean of Cambridge West was given an inkstand by his pupils as he was leaving on promotion.