Our Cambridge Collection has changing exhibitions about Cambridge. Much of our collection is in storage to ensure its preservation for future generations.
Cows, Cows, Cows

by C H Hargreaves – 14 August 1924
The cows are coming in again;
We’re carting out the hay.
All through the mud and rain and cold
We’re toiling hard all day.
The hungry calves are bellowing,
They make such awful rows,
And they’re answered in a chorus
By the Cows, Cows, Cows!
We’re running to the factories –
They’re into cheese again –
To try and rub some mortgage off
We’re working might and main.
We’re carting home big loads of whey
To fatten up the sows,
And we’re every night and morning
Milking Cows, Cows, Cows!
But glorious spring will soon be here,
With it will come the flowers.
The fields will all be clothed in green
Enriched by summer showers.
The big cheques will come rolling in;
The lines will leave our brows.
There’s nothing keeps the wolf at bay
Like Cows, Cows, Cows!