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Old Buffers’ Match

by ‘Wayback’ – 19 June 1919
(Details of a Rugby match played as a patriotic fund raiser on Victoria Square)
The day it was Wednesday the 18th June,
The weather was fine at the wane of the moon,
Two teams of old ‘Buffers’ did meet in the square,
With Captains Strawbridge and Edge two good skippers I swear.
Skipper Edge stripped a picture donned in red and white
It was strained much at points as it seemed rather tight,
Captain Strawbridge as usual did seem ‘in the pink’,
Tho’ at half time we thought he could do with a drink.
‘Massa’ Johnson was also in excellent trim,
Did he put on that costume to go for a swim?
The Baker and Butcher were hard pressed at times,
You know who we mean ‘Tussy’ Smith and Fred Grimes.
Karika would certainly have scored if he could,
He took it from Mansell and passed it to Wood,
Good play was displayed by Edge and his crew,
But the Captain would feel more at home with his ‘Q’.
McKenzie and Norries were holding great sway,
They’d have got out of hand but for Willie McVeagh;
Ambury’s a player you’ll find hard to beat,
It was he who saved Edge and his team from defeat.
Captain Strawbridge is certainly deserving of praise,
His efforts some funds for the soldiers did raise;
Dick Fellowes for Strawbridge did play very well,
He’s the bloke w’at drinks beer at the bottom hotel.
And Lorimer he represented the top,
His close shaven napper some punches did stop;
The absentees Baldwin and Hickey and Hicks,
We expected them there for to show us some tricks.
Returned men Bob Chambers and Webber and Swayne,
Whom it goes without saying are an excellent twain,
Richardson, Howarth and Cubis were there,
For to call them old Buffers it sure isn’t fair.
When the game it was ended the air did resound,
With cheers for each by the boys on the ground,
The Captains shook hands and their teams viewed with pride,
And the game proved a draw 14 points on each side.