Our Cambridge Collection has changing exhibitions about Cambridge. Much of our collection is in storage to ensure its preservation for future generations.
100 Years: 1909 Jan – Dec

January 1909
A number of new books have been placed on the shelves of the local Library lately. The annual meeting of the Library subscribers will be held during the present month. The year’s operations have been of a very satisfactory nature, and the statement of finances will show a good credit balance.
It is interesting to note that the number of cases of drunkenness brought before the local Court in Cambridge during 1908 were exactly the same as for the previous year – 17. In 1905 the total number of criminal cases was 40, in 1906 43, in 1907 51, and in 1908 61.
Some discussion has lately taken place as to when the moa became extinct. One authority stated that a boy was once frightened by one of these gigantic birds on Mr James Beard’s run in the valley of the Wangaehu River. Mr F W Gray writes to the Wanganui Herald, from Melbourne, stating that he is the boy referred to, and that he is willing to inform anyone interested as to the year and other particulars of the exciting adventure.
Kihikihi people are not pleased at the proposal of the Government to establish a mental hospital in their district.
A number of youths are in the habit of bathing in the lake in the Domain on Sundays. It might be as well to point out that the recent analysis of the water, made by Dr. Makgill, Government Bacteriologist, shows that the lake is unfit to bathe in.
About 100 people were present to hear the benefits of starting a YMCA for the young men of Cambridge.
Attention is drawn to the legal notice of Messrs Gillies and Gilfillan, of Hamilton, solicitors, who have commenced practice at W Souter and Co.’s buildings, Duke Street, Cambridge. A member of the firm intends coming to Cambridge on Friday in each week, and will be in attendance at the firm’s offices between the hours of 10.30 a.m and 4 p.m.
On Thursday morning it was discovered that a burglary had been committed at Mr Jared Allwill’s store, Hautapu, during the night. The thief had effected an entrance through a window at the back of the shop. He prized the till open with a hammer and pulled out the drawer, getting away with a cheque for the sum of £1 5s, and about 9s or 10s in copper and silver. Nothing else was found missing, although there was a stock of tobacco, cigarettes, etc in the shop.
A successful balloon ascent was made by Capt. Jonassen, at Hamilton, on Saturday afternoon and the aeronaut reached an altitude of 2,500 feet. Although a very large number of people witnessed the performance, few of them, according to reports, paid for admission.
Tomorrow the Cambridge Co-op. Dairy Co. will pay out to its suppliers the sum of £4,667, which amount, compared with that paid out for a similar period last dairying season, is a substantial increase. The supply of milk is keeping up very well, and the reports received of the grading of the company’s butter is also of a highly satisfactory nature.
Mrs E C Dennis, of Leamington, certified teacher of music, with Home credentials, is prepared to receive pupils for piano and singing.
‘Birds of a feather’ – Two priests, one policeman, one pressman and one postal official, curiously enough, found themselves seated together at a recent gathering in Cambridge.
Christmas is the time for presents, and the place to buy them is at the cheapest, and the cheapest is at – MURRELL’S. See our window brimming full of magnificent Jewelry and Presents, finest display ever shown in Cambridge.
A Waikato man, who is known to tell the truth, recounts the story of his little daughter. Her mother overheard her expounding the origin of sex to her family of dolls. “You see, children,” she remarked, “Adam was a man all alone, and was very lonely, so God put him to sleep, took his brains out, and made a nice lady with them.”
The re-tarring of the main street footpaths will, the Mayor informs us, be proceeded with at an early date. The matter was bought before the last meeting of the Borough Council by Cr. Dickinson.
Improvements are also to be effected to Empire Street, which has now become one of the principal streets of the town.
The District High School opens on Monday next, to the delight of parents.
We have received a letter complaining of the state of the pig run, apparently near the Thornton Road, the odours from which are alleged to be very objectionable. The authorities will no doubt give this matter attention.
The Town Band will give its usual weekly performance in the Domain Rotunda this evening. Hoodlums are requested to keep off the grass, and not touch the seats.
February 1909
Local farmers may be interested to learn that experiments have shown that an ordinary cow will drink from 50 to 100 pounds of water to each pound of dry feed consumed. It has been found that when fed on dry feed the amount drunk was about double what it was when fed on green pasture. The New York Experiment Station concludes that each cow should have access to eight gallons of water daily.
The orchestral concert, under the conductorship of Mr S Adams, at Te Awamutu, on Tuesday evening was a great success, the hall being crowded. In fact, the sale of tickets had to be stopped. The audience was most enthusiastic, and loudly applauded every item. The Te Awamutu people evidently know how to appreciate a first class orchestral concert, and the splendid patronage and reception they accorded the company was in striking contrast to that which the latter received in Cambridge the previous evening.
Mr E C Cutten, S.M., after an absence of some months from the district, arrived in Cambridge yesterday afternoon and presided over a sitting of the Old Age Pensions Court, the business of which was long overdue. Eighteen renewals were granted, and Mr Cutten also attended to a quantity of office work.
It should be quite unnecessary to remind lovers of first-class music that tomorrow evening they will be afforded an opportunity of a life time, that of hearing the justly-famed Ada Crossley and her talented concert company. The Cambridge people have been singled out for extra favours in this instance, a special train having been put on for their special benefit, while arrangements have also been made whereby they may reserve their seats and obtain tickets at Mr E J Wilkinson’s.
Tenders for the erection of St. Peter’s Catholic School, at Cambridge, close with the architect, Mr Warren, Hamilton, on 20th inst.
On Saturday 20th , the Oddfellows will hold their annual picnic at Motutapu. This gathering is one of the most popular held in the province, and always attracts thousands of people.
There is some talk of a public meeting being called at Leamington to protest against the Town Board’s action in regard to cattle on the streets.
Complaints have been made of fruit stealing in local orchards at night by sneaky thieves. A drastic remedy has been discovered in New Plymouth by an orchardist – he doctored some of his fruit, and the fruit thief went to the hospital!
At various churches in Cambridge on Sunday last, feeling references were made to the ‘Penguin’ disaster, and hymns for those at sea were sung.
‘ROBAND’ Automatic self filling fountain pen. No separate filler required. Does not blot; Does not leak. Perfection in fountain pens. Action of pen guaranteed for two years. J R Philp, Sole Agent for Cambridge.
On Monday evening last, the ‘Bell ringers’ Club tendered their lady friends a very enjoyable social, about 60 being present. Various games were indulged in.
The notification by the Inspector of Factories that milkmen must not serve their customers on Saturday afternoons has caused much consternation among consumers and vendors alike. It is contended that if the distribution of milk is barred on Saturday afternoon it is also barred on Sunday, and thus the community must be left milkless for over 36 hours every week, while the accumulations in the dairies are sure to spoil – in the summer, at least. It is understood that several milk vendors will serve their customers as usual and permit the Factories Inspector to bring a test case.
Now that the supply of water at the shower baths in the pavilion in Victoria Square has been turned off the Borough Council might see its way to put the bathing place at the Waterfall in better order, for those in the habit of visiting the locality.
The dramatic turn of events in Borough affairs, owing to the sudden resignation of the Mayor, as a result of the defeat of his motion in connection with the Town Hall tenders, has been the principal topic of conversation in town. His worship was completing his fourth year in office, having been elected in 1905, when he defeated the then Mayor, Mr T Wells, after a keen contest, by a few votes, since which he has been returned unopposed every year. At the meeting yesterday all the councilors were present with the exception of Cr T F Richards.
Borough Affairs – To the ratepayers of Cambridge: A Council meeting is called for 10 a.m. Thursday morning. Business – “To Elect a Mayor”, “To further consider the position in regard to the Town Hall tenders, and to take such action thereon as may be deemed desirable”.
March 1909
An address titled ‘A Straight Talk to Young Men’ will be given to members of the Y.M.C.A in the Victoria Hall tomorrow evening.
An enquiry into loud singing and cheering heard at 9.30am Saturday morning found the source to be coming from the Te Waikato Sanatorium. A ‘send-off’ for some of the staff organized by patients and workers could be heard five miles away here in Cambridge.
The Waikato is experiencing a ‘junior draught’ as nearly no rain has fallen since Friday 29 January – four and a half weeks ago!
It is not generally known that women are eligible for election on a licensing committee. The Licensing Act provides that ‘any duly registered elector’ may be a candidate for a seat on a licensing committee, whereas the electoral Act restricts candidates to ‘male persons’.
Several golfers were out playing on the local links yesterday, reporting that the outfield is in tolerably good order. When the greens are also put into order the conditions for play will be all that anyone can desire.
Some of the settlers at Taotaoroa have been burning their bush this season, with very satisfactory results.
The town is rapidly filling with visitors to the Show and all the available accommodation at the hotels and boardinghouses is being taken up.
A little while ago the Leamington Town Board made a move in the matter of having the name of the Post Office changed from the Cambridge West to Leamington. The matter is now engaging the attention of the postal authorities. Twenty-two runners started for the Marathon Race on Saturday last, from Howick to Auckland, slightly over 13 miles. The day was very hot and the road dusty and stony. About 5,000 people watched the finish at the Auckland Domain, when Hill beat Moore by about 80yds. The winner’s time was 1 hour 18 minutes. Sixteen of the twenty-two competitors completed the distance.
The dressmaking classes in connection with the Auckland Technical College are being conducted by Miss Campbell at the Farmers’ Club rooms every Tuesday, hours of attendance being 2 to 4pm and 7 to 9pm. The classes afford the fair sex an excellent opportunity to acquire greater proficiency in a very useful art.
The 25 German deserters in the French Foreign Legion who deserted in Morocco in December, have been sentenced to terms ranging from two to twenty years’ penal servitude.
Mr J U Ransom, B.A., master at the Cambridge District High School, has received advice that he has been successful in securing a more lucrative position at the Thames High School, being appointed second master, with a salary of about £240 per annum.
A telegraph linesman named Cox, working at some overhead wires, fell across a ‘live’ cable which was carrying volts of electricity. Cox was practically roasted to death.
In Childers Queensland, a man named Spencer, enraged at a girl named Miss Swindall declining his attentions, shot her and afterwards himself. Spencer is dead, and Miss Swindall is in a critical condition.
At the Supreme Court sessions, at New Plymouth, on Tuesday, a youth named John William Garner pleaded guilty to forging a school certificate, and was admitted to probation for 12 months.
The continued unpunctuality in the Cambridge train service is getting past a joke, and it is about time a protest, loud and strong, was made by the business people. All previous records in steaming in late have now been broken, as during the last few days the incoming trains have frequently been anything from half an hour to an hour overdue.
The attendance at the Maungatautari School is on the increase, the highest yet recorded being 50, and if this keeps up the appointment of an assistant will be necessary.
In cutting a crop of maize on his farm yesterday, Mr J A Fitzgerald of Leamington, came across a stalk with eight cobs, all in one cluster, growing on it. A stalk with this peculiarity is said to be quite out of the common.
The rateable value of the Waikato County has been fixed at £1,305,000.
In a discussion on Maori taxation at the meeting of the Waikato County Council, one of the councilors remarked that the Maori had now come to be the white man’s burden in the way of taxation, charitable aid, etc.
The growth of business has made it necessary for Mr W J Broad to still further increase the accommodation of his cheap cash store in Duke Street. The dividing wall between the shop and the adjoining premises has been removed and the whole of the space is now occupied by the grocery department, the proprietor thus being enabled to make a more attractive display of his goods than hitherto.
April 1909
The vital statistics for Cambridge for the month of March are as follows: -Marriages 2, births 4, deaths 5. For the quarter ending 31 March the figures are:-Marriages 10, births 14, deaths 14.
The annual school picnic took place at Mr Simpson’s paddock, Fencourt, yesterday. In spite of the showery weather a large gathering of parents and children turned out, and a most enjoyable day was spent.
The architect for the Town Hall, Mr A B Herrold, is at present in Cambridge. A start is being made today with the foundations of the building, the contractor commencing with excavating the trenches.
The North Island Egg-laying Competition Association Ltd, duck competition, commenced on Thursday, some six or seven pens having been entered.
The dog registrar for the Borough, Mr J K Pierce, has registered nearly 90 dogs, which is said to be a record, notwithstanding the increased registration fee.
The session of the Senior Young Women’s Bible Class, connected with the Presbyterian Church, resumed with a pleasant, well-attended social held on Tuesday evening.
Muller Bros notified the public that they had bought A Manson’s Cambridge Bakery in Duke Street and they would supply first class bread, pastry and confectionery.
Miss Rochfort, matron at Te Waikato Sanatorium, rallied the Cambridge women to start fundraising for a battleship which the New Zealand Government offered to the Motherland. Miss Rochfort inaugurated the Women’s Patriotic League and sent out 1,000 notices including 103 to various Mayors in the Dominion. They hoped meetings would be called in all towns and cities and that subscriptions would be solicited. Lady Ward was asked to act as President of the League.
Justices of the Peace, W F Buckland and E J Wilkinson, issued two prohibition orders against locals at the local Police Court.
St Paul’s Methodist church held a garden party at the Alexandra Hall in connection with the harvest thanksgiving. There were musical and vocal items by members; bagatelle, table croquet and bowls; supper was served.
Otago introduced small owls from England, to get rid of small birds – having realized that small boys on their annual egg gathering mission were not keeping small birds at bay.
The management of the Young Men’s Christian Association decided to buy the Methodists old gymnasium and were in favour of selecting Mr Day’s site fronting Kirkwood Street. The young men were being catered for in physical fitness, religion and debating.
‘Mrs F Lewin desires to thank the public for past support and begs to state that she is now prepared to make the latest costumes, the long cut away coats are now in fashion, those desiring one made should call and see Mrs Lewin. If you need a Divided Riding Costume, you will be pleased with Mrs Lewin’s make.’
Over Easter the Maungatautari Races at ‘Dingley Dell’ were a great draw card for the district. About 1,000 people watched 14 events with E Nickle’s ‘Miss West’ winning the Settlers’ Plate.
A bowling tournament, the first held by the Cambridge Club, attracted teams from Rotorua, Hamilton, Te Aroha, Paeroa, Grey Lynn, Mt Eden and Rocky Nook.
The Croquet Club took advantage of the visitors to town and held a very successful social and dance. Proceeds went towards the cost of top-dressing the lawns in Victoria Street .
The Foundation Stone of the Town Hall was laid yesterday in the presence of a large number of town and country residents. Mayor W F Buckland was presented with an inscribed silver trowel and was congratulated on the accomplishment of the scheme. ‘The building when completed would be a credit to the architect, the builder, and a monument to the indomitable industry and perseverance of His Worship’, said Councillor John Ferguson.
After a few words His Worship then proceeded to lay the stone, remarking as he did so that they were not adopting the usual practice of putting coins underneath it so there was no use anyone looking around (laughter).
The Women’s Patriotic League placed a collection box in front of the platform in the middle of the Chrysanthemum Show tent and shilling subscriptions were invited from women and girls.
The 18th annual Chrysanthemum Show opened with an excellent exhibition of blooms. Very successful prize takers were Mrs and the Misses Sharkey who exhibited over 300 blooms; Miss H Wells, Miss Ewen and Mr T Wells. Mr W F Buckland had an exhibition of nearly a thousand begonia blooms – all the flowers grown in the open.
‘The Mayoralty Stakes’ by Borax.
‘Seldom of late years has there been a contest, but by all accounts this year will witness a ‘flutter’, the two well known veterans Town Hall and Library being spoken of as certain contestants. These two horses come from stables which are known to be antagonistic to each other, so desperate efforts will probably be made to secure the race. As this event is considered the Blue Riband of the local turf, much interest will centre on the result. There is little doubt in my mind that Town Hall will start favourite, but it is well to remind the knowing division that the race is not always to the swift. Whips will probably be out all the way, and with the one who can best stand a punishing finish will victory rest. One of my touts reports preparation for a heavy commission on Library from those sports who reside in the Borough backblocks.’
When Mr Dickinson was approached to contest the Mayoralty he declined saying that the contract had been let for the Town Hall and he would let Mr Buckland raise the money for its payment.
May 1909
A crowd of over 300 people gathered outside the Borough Chambers to hear that out of the seven Borough Councillors who stood for re-election, four were returned. J Ferguson, G Dickinson, T F Richards and R T Tudehope. The new members were Mervyn Wells, Sam Lewis, Chas H Priestley, A Underwood and Edward B Hill – considered by the newspaper to be ‘independent’. 424 people voted.
Mr W S Brunskill of Taotaoroa, who did not seek re-election to the school committee, had been a member of the committee continuously for 24 years – a record worth being proud of.
Hockey around Cambridge was gaining popularity and a new club was formed at Roto-o-rangi. The ladies were looking for a field to practice on and were given permission to use part of Dr Roberts’ grounds.
The Lay Readers at St Andrew’s Anglican Church, Mr La Trobe, Mr Brooks, Mr Wells, Mr Wilkinson, Mr Dunning and Mr Ransom had taken over 100 services from Maungatautari to Ohaupo. Ringers’ Guild – the bell ringers have done good work, and the ringing has been well done. It cost £85 to put gas in the church and it was mentioned that the shingles on the roof were 28 years old.
‘In Mr E J Wilkinson’s shop window a copy of a photo of the notorious Amy Bock, in male attire, may be seen.’
A lad named Tom McMillan slipped in the bush while out shooting at Maungakawa and his gun went off, the charge lodging in his armpit and coming out of his back.
The ratepayers of Leamington held a public meeting to petition the House of Representatives to give the Leamington Town Board control of the main County road running through the township.
The Waikato Hunt Club opened their season at the Hautapu School when a large field turned out, but the dry dusty weather saved many a hare. They traveled over Banks’, Forrest’s, Brown’s, Hooker’s and Parr’s then one and all returned to the Master Norman Bank’s home for afternoon tea.
Mr Chas S Stuart received advice that he had been appointed bandmaster of the Brass Band at Gore. Mr Stuart was much missed in local musical circles as he had been the local conductor for the past nine years, organiser of the Orchestral Society and conductor of St Paul ‘s Methodist choir.
Hockey one, shinny two, curly three and away. The local hockey clubs from Cambridge, Leamington, Gricedale and Hautapu decided to form a Cambridge Association and save every player the sum of £1 3 shillings in travelling fees.
Councillor M Wells remarked that as well as increasing the general rate from one shilling and sixpence to two shillings, it would also be necessary to strike a library rate of one penny and probably a three penny or four penny rate for the Town Hall. It was also decided to increase the sanitary pan service from sixteen shillings to seventeen shillings and sixpence.
Mr Thomas of Hautapu sold his farm of 200 acres to Messrs Duncan, who had recently arrived in the Dominion from Ireland.
The Cambridge MP, Mr Greenslade, was still battling for Hamilton and Cambridge to have their own Technical Schools – ‘They were just as much entitled to it as Auckland City.’
The second North Island Egg Laying Competition was into its 52nd week and 138 eggs had been laid over the last week. Of the Light Breeds the Waikato Independent’s pen of White Leghorns laid the most with 6 eggs.
Mr Justice Edwards of the Supreme Court in Auckland, heard the alleged Libel case Charles Reid versus Joseph William Souter. W F Buckland as a witness stated that plaintiff and defendant were like red rags in front of a bull. After another two day’s evidence the jury awarded the plaintiff, Reid, £50 with a further £40 in costs for the solicitors.
Empire Day was a dismal day and observed in Cambridge as a public holiday with one flag flown from the Post Office.
The Magistrate Court in Cambridge was also busy with Samuel Hall not cleaning his orchard, Chas Potts and William Brockelsby allowing cattle to trespass on the railway line and Bert Denton leaving his butcher’s cart unattended.
Because of the number of leaky taps wasting water in the borough, the Council agreed that the Waterworks Engineer put new washers on consumers’ taps, free of charge.
Mr Channing Buckland of Canada was thanked for a gift of Canadian trees which were planted out and doing well at the domain.
Major W R C Walker asked the Council if his 300 soldiers could camp near the Masonic during their trek through the Waikato .
June 1909
About fifty couples graced the floor at a farewell social tendered to the Death family who were leaving Horahora for Fielding. Mr J Bruce touched on few of the sterling qualities of the family as they had always been to the front in assisting at any social gatherings. The family carried with them the good wishes of the people and they would be missed. He then called for three hearty cheers.
Mr C Day of Tamahere was appointed delegate by the Auckland Branch to the annual meeting of the NZ Jersey breeders Association.
There were about 14 motorists in the district with W Thornton buying a 15 h.p. Ford, Dr Edmonds a 10 h.p. Cadillac, and a well known politician had bought a Daimler.
The local branch of the Y.M.C.A was fortunate in having ‘such a whole-souled man as president’ who not only gave his time but money too to inaugurate the work locally.
Mr Chas Jarrett, H E Davys and volunteers kept the cost down of moving the Methodists’ gymnasium to the site near the new town hall. Gas had been installed and everything was ready for the opening.
The concert performed by the local Glee Club was a musical success with the 18 items all deservedly applauded. The programme was arranged by Madame Isherwood who wielded the baton with her usual ability.
About 300 members of the 2nd Regiment Auckland Mounted Rifles assembled at Hamilton for their annual training camp. This took the form of a trek, firstly to Morrinsville where they stayed for two nights and a day. Attack and defence instruction was carried out in two team between Morrinsville and Cambridge and Hamilton and Te Awamutu.
Mayor Buckland heartily welcomed the troops to Cambridge and civilians and troops enjoyed a camp-fire until lights out at quarter past ten. Next morning they trekked to Te Awamutu then back to Hamilton. The event ended with the military ball.
Father Murphy, late of the Catholic Cathedral in Auckland received a permanent appointment to the Cambridge parish.
Mr P Carr, guard on the Cambridge Railway Line for several years, was farewelled by the Station Master and staff with a case of [smoking] pipes and a social at the local hall.
Finally the Education Board decided to proceed with the erection of the Technical School in Cambridge .
The chairman of the Leamington Board had seen the road contractor’s team standing idle while the men were engaged in some fluming. He hoped the Board was not being charged for the team while it stood idle.
The Domain Board chairman complained of a large number of young fellows playing hockey on the Domain grounds on Sunday. Members expressed their disapproval of this form of Sabbath desecration and it was resolved to inform the secretary of the club that hockey, or any other game, would not be allowed to be played in the domain on a Sunday.
The chairman of the Y.M.C.A. delivered a vigorous speech, urging the young men of the town to rally round the institution and make it a thorough success. The gathering enjoyed musical items and an exhibition of Indian club swinging. Refreshments were provided by lady friends who had also decorated the interior of the building.
The young men at the Y.M.C.A. were measured, then commenced exercises in Indian clubs, dumb bells, parallel bars and Roman rings.
From 50 applications the Borough engineer appointed Mr George Page as [coal] stoker for the local gasworks.
A new motor launch started on the river and the ‘Taniwha’ took people a few miles down the river and back for 1 shilling.
Dr J M Mason New Zealand’s Chief Health Officer left for England with a farewell address from the past and present patients of Te Waikato Sanatorium. They placed on record their ‘humble yet sympathetic appreciation of the noble work in the great fight against the scourge of Tuberculosis.’
Cambridge and Hautapu ladies had a hockey match on Victoria Square, the ground after heavy rain being rather slippery. The Hautapu ladies were the victors with Miss Tyler scoring the only goal.
Mrs Haeusler was granted three months leave from Pukerimu School because of ill health and Mr Mooney took her place.
McLarnon Bros bought up about 400 acres of the Monavale estate from Ambury, English and Co. and intend to commence dairy farming.
Four shillings and six pence was donated to the Women’s Patriotic League Dreadnought Fund by the children of Goodwood School .
C J Parr and J Farrell chairman and architect of the Auckland Education Board were in Cambridge to inspect the site for the new Technical and Manual training school.
July 1909
John August Hjorth died 22 June 1909 aged 91 years. He was a native of Westerwick, Sweden and was by profession a Master Mariner. He also spoke five languages and left a wife and seven grown up children.
Mr McKee who had been the senior clerk at the Post Office for the last ten years, was promoted to Postmaster at Whakatane.
The new Roman Catholic School, occupying a commanding position overlooking the town in Alpha Street, was opened. The cost was about £400, J W Warren the architect and McKinnon & Patterson the contractors. A concert and dance was held to celebrate.
The Waikato Farmers’ Club held their twentieth annual meeting with Robert Fisher in the chair. The club was a mouthpiece of the farmers and they should band together to protect their interests. The young men were encouraged to take up the work.
A smart Lad was wanted at once by the Waikato Independent to deliver papers around town.
Mrs W F Buckland was looking for a Good General.
John W Warren was asking for tenders for a Church at Matamata.
J Cooke the milkman put the price of a quart of milk up to 4 pence.
Alf Hicks was working on Mr J Anderson’s farm at Pukerimu and while trimming a post with his axe, it slipped and cut an artery in his left arm. Dr Roberts dressed the wound.
Between 50 and 60 members turned out for the half yearly meeting of the Loyal Duke of Cambridge Lodge of Oddfellows when Bro W J White was elected noble Grand.
The ladies of the local Gleaners’ Union were busy dressing dolls and making gaily coloured bags for the Zenana Mission. Songs were contributed by Misses Willis, Heron and Davys and Mr T Heron and Rev A H Heron.
Vital statistics for Cambridge for the previous quarter were 4 marriages, 24 births and 14 deaths.
Adding to the statistics was Miss Florence Mullins who married David Baxter at her parents’ home in Chapel Street . She wore a smart navy blue tailor-made costume with Merry Widow hat to match. [Perhaps not a good omen!]
The Cambridge Town Band was engaged to supply the music on Saturday afternoon and evening at the Hamilton Winter Show.
Geo Watt toured around the Manawatu district and found the Waikato stock was in much better condition.
As a result of a heavy gale in Cambridge the shelter sheds at the sale yards were blown down and moved about 18 feet.
Mr William McKee, senior officer of the Post and Telegraph office for the past ten years, was farewelled at the Masonic hotel by 30 or 40 gentlemen. He was presented with a Gold Albert chain with gold sovereign case and inscribed medal. He was promoted to postmaster at Whakatane.
Madame Isherwood’s fortnightly dance, which was held in the Alexandra Hall, had to be postponed at the last moment, owing to the carelessness of a travelling picture show company, who appeared to have emptied the water tank, in connection with their kinematograph apparatus, on the floor.
The return of the Operascope Company took place with a selection of new moving pictures including the life of Samson, from his birth to the destruction of the Temple of Dagon. The pictures were depicted at their best, being entirely flickerless.
The death of Anselm Plescher, aged 24 years, was felt throughout the town. He was born in Cambridge and travelled to Australia and contracted influenza from which he never recovered. His pallbearers were members of the Cambridge Fire Brigade.
Forty couples attended a very enjoyable long night social at the Alexandra Hall when the floor was in perfect order. A bounteous supper was provided by the ladies.
During the quarter ended 30th June 1909, 36 civil cases were disposed of at the local court. The total amount sued for was £364 3s 8d, and the amount recovered £187 4s.
On the criminal side the number of cases totalled 22:- 2 assaults, 1 theft, 4 drunkenness (including a female), 2 breaches of prohibition orders, 1 obscene language, 7 breaches of various bylaws, 3 prohibition orders and 2 furious driving.
John Patch was fined 5 shillings and 13 shillings costs for trotting his horse over the Victoria Bridge.
The way in which application forms for insurance are filled in are often more amusing than enlightening:- Mother died in infancy. Father went to bed feeling well, and the next morning woke up dead. Applicant does not know cause of mother’s death, but states that she fully recovered from her last illness. Applicant has never been fatally sick. Father died suddenly; nothing serious. Grandfather died from gunshot wound, caused by an arrow, shot by an Indian.
“An astronomer great, he was sitting out late, with his telescope turned to the stars, when to his surprise, there flashed down from the skies, a most palpable message from Mars. He did not understand, but a codebook at hand, which he hastened at once to procure, made the message quite plain – ‘influenza again, Can you send us Woods’ Peppermint Cure?’.” ( Advertisement )
While Mr C Waterhouse, of Cambridge, was preparing his lantern for his lecture one evening recently, something went wrong with the tube connecting the burner with the methylated spirits tank, with the result that a somewhat alarming blaze occurred. As soon as matters began to look serious the lecturer asked his audience to retire, which they did safely and in order. In a few minutes Mr Waterhouse got the fire under control, and delivered an interesting lecture to an attentive, if somewhat depleted, audience.
Sir, during last week your columns have reported convictions in the S.M. Courts at Hamilton and Cambridge, of persons violating bylaws, by cycling on footpaths. Notwithstanding that caution, it is stated that one clerical gentleman in Cambridge is observed riding a horse and another a bicycle on footpaths, also that several other persons, ladies as well as gentlemen, continue to use the footpaths for cycling. I, therefore, write to give all such a friendly caution. Amicus.
August 1909
Weather forecast: Westerly strong winds to gale, glass rise slowly soon, weather squally and unsettled, and probably much colder.
The Government have not overlooked Te Waikato Sanatorium in its retrenchment policy. Some of the staff has received notice that their services are to be dispensed with.
It is rumoured that there is a possibility of the institution being closed altogether. The resident medical officer of the institution, Dr E E Roberts, informs us that there is no official authority for such statements and that they are not true.
The school at Horahora will be opened on Monday, a teacher, Mr R W Dentith, having been appointed by the Board of Education. Pending the erection of a school, the classroom will be at the creamery manager’s residence.
August was ushered in with continuous rain. The Waikato River was in flood, and the various creeks were considerably swollen. A number of small slips and washouts occurred on Tirau Road. Yesterday a telegraph post was leaning across the Karapiro Road, about two miles from Cambridge, and was a threatening source of danger to travellers.
Waikato’s first Music and Elocutionary Competitions were held in the Hamilton Town hall 4, 5, 6 August 1909.
Thos Wells won the tender of £3 1s per dozen for 20 dozen Canadian chairs.
Madame Isherwood’s pupils Doris and Ruth Sanders, Ethel Morse and Charles Sharp were all successful at the Waikato Music and Elocutionary Competitions.
Chappell and Woolley were making good progress with constructing the town hall although they had been considerably hampered by stormy weather.
During the Selwyn Centenary celebrations W F Buckland revealed that he had been confirmed by the Bishop. He alluded to his manliness, gentleness and marvellous eloquence.
Edison Phonographs: Important Announcement. We have just landed a consignment of Edison’s latest improvement in ‘The Amberol’ Records. These play for four minutes, thus enabling full songs, etc to be reproduced, whereas the ordinary records play about two minutes and it is impossible to reproduce complete song, band selection, etc. We also have arriving an attachment to present machines in order to play both the four-minute and two-minute records. McVeagh and Byrne – ‘The Phoneries’ Duke Street, Cambridge.
3,500 more people left New Zealand for Australia last month than arrived. This is a monthly record, which beats any put up in the darkest days of the depression during the last Atkinson Government.
It is proposed to institute a system of call-boxes at the various post offices, should there be sufficient inducement. Boxes fitted with a glass front, through which the holder may see the contents, are provided for the reception of the correspondence, each being open to postal officers only. The holder of a call-box is entitled to receive contents during office hours only. The fee for rent of a call-box is 2s 6d per annum. The conditions of tenure are as applicable to private boxes.
Twenty thousand acres of the Piako swamp is now drained, and the block will be ready for settlement within twelve months.
For the past few evenings the two planets, Jupiter and Venus, observed in the Western sky, were drawing closer together, providing a wealth of entertainment for those interested. The climax was reached at about 6.30 Thursday evening, when the conjunction took place. Everything was propitious – a cloudless sky and the absence of the moon – and the planets were observable in all their splendour.
Another local resident has joined the ranks of the motorists, Mr Arch Wallace having purchased a 10 h.p. single-seated Cadillac car.
Two Beagles and eight puppies were released from quarantine for the Waikato Hunt Club.
The weather had been very wintry for the district. Mt Pirongia was clothed in a mantle of snow, old residents declaring that it is several years since there was such a heavy fall of snow on the mountain.
A gentleman took his little son for a walk, and in some way the little boy got lost. Meeting a policeman, the child tearfully asked “Please sir have you seen a man without a little boy? Cause if you have, I’m that little boy.”
Channing Buckland, son of W F Buckland, returned from Vancouver with his family on the steamer ‘Mokoia’.
Mr William Rout of ‘Whareora’ died at the age of 79 years. The family had been in Cambridge for fifteen years having arrived in New Zealand in 1830 and residing formerly in Nelson. His pall bearers were members of the Theosophical society and he was buried at Pukerimu Cemetery.
The Waikato Hounds met at Pukekura on Saturday last, in grand hunting weather. It was a really muggy day, and scent accordingly was lying breast high. Hounds ran well and at a great pace, throughout the day, giving two of the best runs we have had this season.
September 1909
Sheep-worrying by dogs is again taking place amongst some of the flocks in the district, Messrs J Taylor of ‘Bardowie’, J Allwill of ‘Clermont,’ and Mrs Martyn of ‘Broadmeadows,’ being amongst the losers of sheep by the depredations of stray dogs.
An interesting demonstration of pruning and fruit tree spraying was given at Mr F J Brooks’ orchard, ‘Jesmond’, by Mr J A Campbell, Inspector of orchards. He sprayed trees with a large pump, the preparation being simple in composition, lime, sulphur and soda, prepared without boiling. He made a Bordeaux mixture of lime and bluestone, for winter dressing, and illustrated it could be applied with advantage, especially to peach trees as a cure for the leaf-curl blight.
Never before has this Dominion entered on a dairying season under more favourable circumstances. The season just passed had in many instances been a record in many respects, but the more important fact was that it was followed by the most favourable winter known to the proverbial ‘oldest inhabitant’. The lambing season also opened satisfactorily for flock-owners.
Along with an excellent concert, the Waikato Hunt ball featured the Gwynnelands Waltz and Bardowie Lancers on their dance programme.
At the opening of the new Cambridge Courthouse this morning Dr Findlay stated that Supreme Court sittings were to be held in future at Hamilton. He explained that District Courts had now been abolished, that their procedure was obsolete and had ranked amongst the absurdities.
There were present at the ceremony – Mayor W F Buckland, Borough Councillors, Town Clerk and a number of J’sP, and prominent townsmen and settlers. The member for Waikato, Mr H J Greenslade, M P, was also present.
A feature of the landscape of Duke Street recently was the presence of butter buyers, who, to the number of fourteen deep, were gathered round the doors of the office of the Cambridge Co-operative Dairy Co. All the buyers were young men, and seemed to be much milder types of mankind than the blatant buyers of wool, whose raucous voices are often heard in the market place. Soft as butter in speech were they, as they gently and courteously, one by one, genially ushered themselves in.
At the annual three day Cambridge Spring Horse Sale there were 800 entries, mainly draught and light horses.
Justices of the Peace, W F Buckland and E J Wilkinson were the first magistrates to officially sit in the new Courthouse when they cancelled a prohibition order. Sam Lewis was the solicitor.
The Hautapu Sunday School Social was well attended and after the concert programme the evening was devoted to the usual competitions – cake weight guessing, untangling a skein of wool, chocolates in a bottle, nail driving and fishing. The Sunday School funds benefited by about £11.
The fire bell rang out an alarm at 9 pm, the cause being a chimney on fire at the National Hotel. The fire brigade turned out, but their services were not required.
Mr Moroney’s large estate at Tauwhare was broken into four farms – the new owners being Messrs Scott, Jones, Clothier and Bellamy the latter having the homestead and 500 acres.
Through the Souter & Co agency Mr Jared Allwill bought a 20 h.p. Ford motor car that seated 5 people and had a top speed of 45 m.p.h. Dr Roberts also bought a ford fitted with hood and wind screen.
A variety of entertainments was provided at the floral show and sale of work, in connection with the Presbyterian Church, which was held in the Alexandra Hall. Among other attractions Mr G Warren gave musical items and humorous recitations each evening.
The Cambridge and Leamington juniors played a football match on Victoria Square where the former had a very easy win, by 28 points to 6. The referee was Mr Chas. Ruge.
The Cambridge ladies’ combined hockey team journeyed to Te Awamutu and played a match with the ladies team of that town. The visitors were defeated, after a very interesting and exciting contest, by 2 goals to nil. A member of the Cambridge team, E Dickinson, sustained a crack on the nose shortly after the commencement of the match.
A cricket club was formed at Hautapu and it was hoped that Cambridge, Leamington and Roto-o-rangi players would do their best to form clubs and then form an Association and arrange to play matches during the coming season.
St Peters ‘ Fancy Fair was a great success taking in about £240.
About 50 to 60 pupils were attending the Seventh Day Adventist School at Pukekura.
Messrs Chappell and Woolley, the contractors for the erection of the Town Hall in Cambridge, anticipate from present appearances, to have the structure completed by the end of November.
Dominion Day was celebrated in Cambridge by a church parade by the Waikato D Squadron Mounted Rifles and Cadets. The troops marched to St Andrews Church, and there attended divine service.
A borough councillor, jokingly mentioned that perhaps they need not employ a Sanitary Officer because Cambridge had very few infectious diseases.
Another black swan was added to the three placed upon Lake Te Koutu, in the Domain, Mr Wm Newell of Tamahere, having generously presented the Domain Board with the latest addition.
The first performance of a public nature, under the auspices of the Cambridge branch of the Young Men’s Christian Association, took place last evening. The gymnasts who had been coached by Mr J J Collis, gave a really creditable exhibition, consisting of exercises with dumbbells, Indian clubs, exercises on the parallel and horizontal bars, vaulting horse and Roman rings. Everyone was greatly surprised to see the progress made by the young men in such a short time.
October 1909
A double wedding was celebrated at Tamahere when Mr Lance Ewen married Miss Annie Parry and Mr Sholto Ferguson married Miss Daphne Ewen. At ‘Woodford’ Taotaoroa Miss Elizabeth Dora Brunskill married John R E Overton.
Mr Thos Wells returned from a trip around the Islands and Australia where he managed to secure some new specimens of plants and a lot of chrysanthemums.
At the Leamington Town Board meeting Mrs O’Neil wrote saying she would be glad if the Board would do something towards improving the condition of Arnold Street footpath. The chairman said the delay had been occasioned by the unfavourable weather.
The Borough Council set the tariffs for the use of the new town hall. These ranged from £4 to £6 for entertainments. Picture shows £3 and dances up to midnight £3.
The Hautapu Ladies Hockey Team played the men’s team, who were dressed in fancy dress, and lost two goals to nil.
Ali Mahomet applied for his Prohibition Order to be reinstated after having wrestled one of his restaurant clients to the ground for not paying his bill. The offender, Percy Woods was let off as the Bench found the evidence to be a mass of contradiction.
Mr W C McDermott, postmaster of Cambridge, was granted three week’s leave of absence and went on a visit to Melbourne . It is understood Mr McDermott will bring home a bride.
At Mr E Veale’s office a telephonic chess match was held between Cambridge and Raglan with Raglan winning five games to two.
At the fourth annual report of the local Chamber of Commerce they listed their accomplishments – Post Office built in brick, Chiming clock and clock tower, telephone exchanges at Pukeroro, Karapiro, Gricedale, Auckland, Hamilton, Maungatautari and Kaipaki. Post Office at Karapiro and extension of telephone hours. Concession on rail freight, draining Lake Street and assisted to get the new Courthouse.
The Chamber also made note of the stigma being associated with Cambridge as the outside press always referred to the Government Sanatorium at Maungakawa as the ‘Cambridge Sanatorium’.
They were also concerned that the deaths at the Sanatorium were registered ‘officially’ as Cambridge deaths.
Mr A Thomas, formerly of Newmarket and Otahuhu, became the new proprietor of the Central Hotel. The dining room was administered under the able direction of Mrs Thomas.
The flag was flown from the Post Office today in honour of Trafalgar Day.
T Richards was advertising 1 gallon tins of apples for 1/6d, 1 gallon of peaches 1/9d, prunes at 4d per pound, apricots 9d per pound and dates 1/- for 5 pounds.
The Hautapu Cricket Club opened its season with a match Married men vs Single which was won by the Benedicts by one run.
A committee of Crs Tudehope, Hill and Richards together with Messrs Warren, Lundon, Hammond, Veale and McDermott with power to add to their numbers, was formed to arrange the Town Hall opening.
The Post Office at Pukerimu was in the charge of Miss L Ryan the sister of Miss Ryan the schoolmistress of that place.
At the S M Court Edward Watson was fined 5/- for not having proper lights fixed to his vehicle. Henry Driver was fined 1/- for riding on the Grey Street footpath. Frederick Reynolds was charged with procuring liquor while under a prohibition order. Michael Hicket was charged with having illegally impounded two cows belonging to Charles Lockett.
The first Taxi Cab landed at the local railway station with Mr R Norries from Auckland being issued a licence to ply for hire. His stand was opposite the Fountain on the Bank of NZ corner.
The Borough council also resolved that the portion of Victoria Street from the (former) Borough Chambers to the old Catholic school be declared a stand for motor cars.
Because of the demands on the telephone Trunk lines, communications were to be limited to exchanges separated by one exchange only. This was a considerable hardship to commercial users.
‘The cart horse, the cow and the bicycle fiend once more pursue their bylaw-less way in the streets of Cambridge, and chortle in their joy that, after the longest spell off the streets known to the oldest inhabitant, the town has again become rangerless!’
The Mayor complained in strong terms of acts of larrikinism perpetuated in the Domain. There seemed to be a feeling of destruction, and a want of respect for law and order, among young people, which betokened the lack of proper training on the part of parents.
November 1909
Mr J R Philp applied to the Borough Council on behalf of the Dreadnaught Cricket Club for sufficient ground for a cricket pitch in Victoria Square on Wednesday afternoons. Granted.
In a neat little speech on behalf of R T Tudehope’s staff, Miss E Ruge presented Mr J Watson with a pair of carvers on his departure to Auckland.
At the Cambridge Road Board meeting Messrs Hooker and Booth reported having raised the embankment at Pickering ‘s Gully by making the grade a much better one than it was formerly.
The Methodist Bazaar, organized by the Ladies Guild of the Church, included stalls for Fancywork, Fernery, Literature, Produce, Jumble, Sweets as well as competitions, vocal and musical items and generous afternoon teas.
The new Young Men’s Christian Association proposed to renovate and furnish their building and add two classrooms at an estimated cost of £200.
A very successful gymnastic display was given in the Alexandra Hall with credit to the instructor, Mr J J Collis. The exhibition was interspersed with musical items by the local ladies.
The Cambridge Croquet Club opened for the season in very showery weather. Mrs Earl played the first ball, then the group adjourned to her home where they partook of afternoon tea.
The Town Hall craze extended to Matamata. For many years past the big woolshed at the railway station had been the principal meeting place, but a number of residents of that peaceful but progressive settlement think that it is about time the township had a more ornate building, and the matter was under consideration.
Messrs Makgill and Middleton offered ten subdivisions of the Horahora Estate through NZ Loan & Mercantile. Chas Hunter was the auctioneer who said that Cambridge was just beginning to boom and land was increasing in price every day. A creamery and school were already established on the property and the land was suited for dairying purposes. But not one single bid was forthcoming. Later Mr R Wait from Mamaku took the largest section of 400 acres and several other sales were pending.
A five roomed house at Hautapu, owned by Mrs McCandlish, was totally destroyed by fire. The house was occupied by Mrs Brady who was absent at the time.
Mr W C McDermott, post master who went to Australia on three weeks leave, returned to Cambridge with his bride. He was welcomed back by the staff and presented with a spirit tantalus and wished every happiness.
Joseph Gane, husband of Elizabeth was accidentally killed at Pukerimu. He was assisting in putting a ring in a bull’s nose when he was struck on the head.
Ann Eveline Marcroft, wife of Frank and mother of six children, died at her residence in Vogel Street aged 42 years.
Nicholas Irvine Hunt, a former well known resident of Cambridge met with an accident at Te Kuiti and subsequently died.
Patrick Flagherty, employed by Mr Ambury at Gricedale had a lucky escape when he was dragged a considerable distance by a bolting team of horses. He dislocated his hip and was badly bruised.
The weather being fine, there was a large crowd at the local bowling club’s formal opening on King’s Birthday.
The town Band gave the first of their open air concerts in the Domain. A large number of people were present and appreciated the music.
The first cricket match of the season was contested between Dreadnaughts and Hautapu, of which Hautapu won by 29 runs. R Simpson was the highest scorer for Hautapu with 22 runs while M Blunt topped the list with 16 runs for the losers. Mallett and H Speight were umpires.
Mr M Evans of Auckland won the tender to build the Technical School in Cambridge for £600. There were eleven tenders, six from Cambridge.
Messrs Braun and Brockelsby were the first butchers in the Waikato to install a modern refrigerator. The machine was driven by a Tangye gas engine, as were the chopping and mincing machines.
The cool room 14ft x 14ft, was erected by Mr Fred Potts who carried out the contract in his usual workmanlike manner.
The 18th Annual Waikato A & P show at Claudelands was again most successful. Cambridge contestants were pretty successful and carried of several of the main prizes for cattle and sheep.
When the mayor W F Buckland opened the Anglican Rose Show and Fancy Fair, he said Cambridge would become celebrated for flowers, the same as it was for many other things. We had a great name for chrysanthemums and no doubt would bear an equally good reputation for roses.
An interesting relic of the Crimean and Indian Mutiny wars, in the form of a certificate of discharge, granted in 1864 to Mr James Laney, who served in those campaigns, was placed in the museum at the public library.
December 1909
At the Leamington Town Board meeting Mr J E Bell requested that some road work be done at the entrance to his bakery on the corner of Cook and Burns Street. The Lawn Tennis Club forwarded an invitation to members to attend the formal opening of their courts and it was resolved that some seats should be procured; also swings for picnic parties. The secretary was instructed to obtain an estimate of the cost of a pavilion for the Domain.
The Cambridge Domain Board reported they had obtained stencilled plates and the names of the trees would shortly be affixed to them.
Efforts were being made by the YMCA to form a troop of Boy Scouts.
The Cambridge Road Board served notices to occupiers of land adjoining Victoria and Zig Zag Roads to fell the trees overhanging or overshadowing these roads. As there had been no protests lodged the secretary assumed the work was being carried out.
Mrs Hannon, mother of Richard and John Hannon of Hautapu, suffered serious injuries when the buggy she was in collided with an iron lamp post. She fractured the frontal bone in her head.
St Paul ‘s Methodist choir, under the conductor of C S Stuart, gave a concert to the staff and patients at Te Waikato Sanatorium. The programme consisted of anthems, vocal and instrumental solos, and quartettes. Miss Rochfort, the matron said it was one of the pleasantest musical evenings they had been treated to for a long time.
The Monavale Homestead block of about 700 acres was sold to Channing Buckland.
About 50 boys were present at a meeting to establish a Boy Scout movement in Cambridge. Lieut. Colonel Bell, Scout Commissioner for the Waikato, delivered an address on ‘Scoutcraft’. In this he advocated that too much emphasis was placed on sport and not enough on the defence of the country. At the end of the address Master Ken Mullins proposed and Master Leslie Wilkinson seconded that a scout patrol be formed in Cambridge. Carried amidst great applause.
The floor of the new courtroom has been covered with linoleum.
The Waihi Gold Mining Company has secured the water power rights on the Waikato River at the Hora Hora falls twelve miles from Cambridge. The lease is for 42 years at 3 shillings per horse power per annum.
The official opening of the Town Hall took place on the evening of 14 December 1909 with a ‘Citizens’ At Home’. His Worship the Mayor W F Buckland said he was extremely proud to be present to formally open the new hall. He also said he would impress upon the residents that the hall was their hall. It should be regarded as a sort of drawing room, not only for the people around the district but a rallying point for the whole of the Waikato.
The next afternoon several hundred happy looking children attended the children’s entertainment.
Thirty boys took the ‘Scout Oath’ and five patrols were formed with Scout Master Heath in control. The Patrol Leaders were – Reginald Thomas, James Thompson, Fenton McCullagh, Raymond
Butler and Nevin Bell. They discussed their uniform and decided on khaki Baden-Powell hat, blue shirt, shorts, together with haversack, belt and staff.
At their first meeting they were instructed in semaphore signalling by Mr E W B Caddy.
At a meeting of the Library Committee arrangements were made for fitting up the library and passing a constitution. They resolved to call for applications for the position of librarian at £40 per annum.
The flag at the Post Office was flown at half mast on the death of King Leopold of Belgium.
An Industrial Exhibition, Flower Show and sale of work was held at the Alexandra Hall with a large amount of entries from the schools. The exhibition had been organised by the various temperance societies in the town. There were competitions for plain and fancy sewing, crochet, drawn thread, mount mellick work, darnet network, knitting. Brushwork, penmanship, freehand drawing and collection of birds’ eggs. Home Industries included home-made bread, scones, seed cake, jam sandwich, jellies, marmalade and tomato sauce. Garden produce and flowers and pot plants.
Prizes were distributed to the Leamington School pupils at their break up for the annual holidays. First in the vegetable plots was Archie McVicar and flower gardens – Gladys Nickle.
The convent school held its annual picnic at a beautiful piece of Native bush at Mr B McGechie at Fencourt. There was a programme of sports with prizes for the successful pupils.
Pukerimu School held a picnic in one of Mr Robert Fisher’s fields with a large number of residents and settlers attending. Cricket, rounders and foot racing was joined in by all.
The business people reported that trade was very good in Cambridge during Xmas week and on Xmas Eve it was exceptionally brisk. The streets were crowded until a late hour and the town presented a lively appearance.
The Salvation Army held an open-air service at the fountain on Christmas Eve after which the singing company went around carolling with good success. On Boxing Day they picnicked with Hamilton friends at Mr John Sharp’s paddock.
St Andrew’s Sunday School picnic was held at Mr John Sharp’s grounds on Boxing Day. Various games and sports were promoted and there was an abundance of refreshments.
The amount the Town Band received while carolling around town was nearly £30 and they thanked the residents for their generous donation. The money would be spent on new instruments.
Tuesday 28 December 1909 the Carnegie Library was formally opened by the Mayor W F Buckland – his last public function he would perform in Cambridge . It was decided to place on record the citizens’ appreciation of Mr Carnegie’s generous gift of £1000, which had enabled the Council to erect the library.