Our Cambridge Collection has changing exhibitions about Cambridge. Much of our collection is in storage to ensure its preservation for future generations.
100 Years: 1908 Jan – Dec

January 1908
New Zealand’s population stood at nine hundred thousand.
Tourists in Cambridge were loud in their praises of our picturesque little town. The chief suggestion made was that attention should be given to the principal footpaths.
A pleasant feature of the fifth annual Oddfellow’s Sports was the absence of any mishaps to competing cyclists, as was so noticeable the case at previous gatherings.
– Middle-aged Competent Housekeeper for a widower. For address apply Independent Office.
– For Rotorua, two Wagoners. Tip-top wages and permanent billets for suitable men. Apply Thos Wells, Cambridge.
– At Once. A Ploughman. Apply J Gillies, Gorton.
– Wanted for building a small two-roomed [bachelor] cottage for the NZ Dairy Association Ltd, at the Creamery site at Maungatautari. John Mitchell, Architect, Auckland.
Farmers in the Cambridge district are rejoicing at the present fine weather, as it is expediating harvesting operations. It is expected if the fine weather continues that harvesting will be finished next week.
The Returns for 1907 of the Cambridge Magistrates’ Courts – 92 criminal cases (from drunkenness to assault, to failing to maintain children, to horse stealing). 6 cases were sent for trial in the Supreme Court in Auckland, and there were 108 civil cases involving £1,329.
‘Fires in the swamps in the surrounding districts have enveloped the town in smoke during the past few days.’
‘A heap of rubbish burning at the rear of Mr E B Hill’s shop in Victoria Street was the cause of the fire-bell ringing out at 9 o’clock last night. The Fire Brigade were promptly on the scene but their services were not required.’
Mr Ernest Davis of Auckland was so impressed with the beauty of the town he presented a garden seat for the Domain. In his humble opinion Cambridge was ‘the prettiest inland town in the colony.’
The Mayor thought something should be done to advertise Cambridge more and a committee was formed to look into accommodation and a swimming pool.
The hatless craze had extended to Cambridge, for even in the hot weather, a number of persons were parading our dusty streets in a bare-headed fashion.
The Hon. Geo Fowlds Minister for Public Health, visited Te Waikato (TB) Sanatorium at Maungakawa with a party of Medical and Ministerial representatives. They inspected the shelters in the Mason, Ward and Plunket ‘colonies’ and were impressed with the surroundings.
At a local bowling meeting a member caused much laughter by suggesting that visiting bowlers (for the fourth annual tournament) should be given a good dinner and as much liquor as they can drink, when they arrive here.
Members of the Chamber of Commerce were concerned at the unreasonable delays in getting telephone messages through to Auckland. The connection had to be made through Hamilton and Mr Tudehope had given up using the telephone and resorted back to the telegraph system.
A dust storm, on a small scale swept the streets almost blinding people in its wake. Watering the streets was suggested at the Borough Council meeting. A start was made on tarring the footpaths in Victoria and Duke Streets.
The Seventh Day Adventists (who had been in New Zealand about 20 years) purchased a 170 acre farm at Pukekura at the beginning of 1907. They built a large three-storey training school large enough to board about 50 students. Subjects covered were agriculture, horticulture, fruit growing, dairying, carpentering, tinsmithing, cooking, sewing and domestic economy. More would be added.
Workmen on the new Post Office displayed a red flag with ‘Dry Job’ on one end of the building and a brown bottle at the other.
Jas Dean, headmaster at Cambridge West School asked for six months’ leave to make a visit Home on account of his health. Miss Doris M Pilcher of the Cambridge High School was successful in the matriculation exam. R Peace & Son won the tender to re-roof the Cambridge West school with £61 10s. Miss Annie L Gavey was appointed assistant to the Secondary Department of the Cambridge District High School.
At the Waipa County Council meeting it was resolved to offer the water trough near the old Cambridge bridge to the Pukekura Road Board, provided it was erected at the foot of Tucker’s Hill.
The Swimming Pool was again discussed at the Borough Council meeting. They considered allowing boats on the Lake (which brought forth “hear hear” from Crs O’Toole and Richards.) Cr Dickinson waxed quite enthusiastic over a water chute in the Domain – great attraction and a source of revenue.
The Public Library members’ subscription amount to £75 4s for the year and 227 new books had been added. The Government’s subsidy was £16 13s and the sale of newspapers and old books totalled £3 8s 6d. They had £76 in their building fund.
February 1908
Anniversary Day was observed on 29 January with numerous picnics in the Domain while watching the bowls tournament and tennis matches – Cambridge vs Te Awamutu. Combined Bible Classes from all over Waikato met at Mr C Day’s farm at Tamahere and R T Tudehope treated his employees to a picnic at ‘The Norwegians’ farm at Roto-o-rangi.
Prayers for rain were offered up at St Andrews’ Church on Sunday evening.
Water tanks in the town were getting dry and many residents were making applications to have their properties connected with the Borough water supply. The milk supply was down at the factories.
A large number of people gathered around the new band rotunda in the Domain as the Cambridge Band rendered an acceptable programme.
Mr W Semmens of Hautapu killed a ring tailed opossum and gave it to Mr Ruge to have stuffed. Apparently some years ago Mr Thornton liberated a number on his Maungakawa property but it seemed no one had ever seen any in the Cambridge district before.
The Band Rotunda in the Domain was officially opened. The steelwork arrived from Glasgow last September and the work was supervised by the architect Mr C Reid.
The Cambridge Domain Board granted permission to a number of people who wanted to swim in the Lake – but only if the bathers robed themselves in proper costumes.
The official opening of the Seventh Day Adventist Training School was held in the chapel room – the chair occupied by Pastor O A Olsen. Mayor Buckland congratulated them on their choice of location saying that the Waikato would become the ‘Garden of New Zealand’ and Cambridge the health resort of the colonies.
Special services were held at St Paul’s Methodist church after extensive renovations had been carried out. All the borer infested timber was replaced, the shingled roof replaced with iron and gas was laid on.
For the past two months the congregation worshipped in their gymnasium.
‘Two Miles Out’ in a letter to the Editor suggested that the Premier Sir J G Ward, coming to Cambridge to open the new Post Office, should take a look at the Post Office Bicycle. ‘It is an old worn out piece of machinery that should have found the rubbish heap years ago. It is patched and tied up with string, sometimes minus a proper saddle.’
The opening of the new Post Office by the Premier Sir J G Ward was witnessed by about 700 people. From 1864 the postal and telegraph business was carried on in a small office, opposite the Redoubt, in Victoria Street. In 1877 a new office was built and served for 30 years. With the prosperity of the agricultural and pastoral sector, the Premier didn’t think the new building would last that long (applause).
The Borough Council took the opportunity to ask for favourable consideration on a direct telephone wire from Cambridge to Auckland; a new railway station and the removal of the goods shed; the recognition of Cambridge as a tourist resort; and opening up of Native lands in the district.
In the afternoon the Cambridge ladies entertained Lady Ward at the Lawn Tennis Club and showed her around the Domain.
The lack of rain, dust and low milk returns gave residents the opportunity to thoroughly clean their water tanks. Health Inspector Bennett suggested ‘A coating of lime afterwards would help keep the water pure and fresh, and thus go a long way towards minimising the risk of an outbreak of disease.’
A bushfire on the slopes of the Maungakawa range caused some concern to Te Waikato Sanatorium. The local fire brigade responded at 10 pm and worked until 5 am with beaters to keep the fire back.
The Maori Meeting House at Maungakawa was burnt by fire when the wind turned a controlled burn off. Valuable carvings, the throne and crown of the late King Tawhiao were destroyed. The settlement was known as Rawehitiki and the meeting house was capable of seating 500 people. It was deserted about 16 years previous.
The order for the chiming clock for the Post Office tower had been placed with Littlejohn and Son of Wellington and would take about six months to complete.
The Cambridge Road Board wrote to the Commissioner of Lands asking if they could take gravel from Crown Land tenants. The ever increasing traffic on the district roads compelled the Board to have a good supply of gravel on hand. In some cases it was cheaper to buy the land than pay 3 pence or 4 pence per yard in royalties to the land owner. On the other hand some land owners gave the gravel for nothing to secure good roads.
March 1908
C H Priestley, saddler and harness maker, had two Pearson harness making machines and a creasing and riveting machine installed in his workshop.
The Waikato Independent introduced a Simplex Typesetting machine (one of only thirty in the Dominion) and were looking for a smart girl to learn to operate it.
John Ferguson crossed swords with Dr Roberts at the Cambridge Domain Board meeting when the latter contested that tennis was a better game than bowls as it gave more exercise. A deputation from the tennis club was asking for more land to make two or three more courts. Granted plus £10 to assist.
The total cost of the bandstand was £280. More than they anticipated – ‘but they had one that, with care, would last for all times, and was credit to the town. It had proved a difficult structure to erect for no instructions came with the castings from Scotland, and it was somewhat of a puzzle to find out which fitted each other.’
The Maungatautari correspondent reported on a cricket match with deadly bowling by C Hicks making the West side of the district winners.
Their new telephone connecting them with Cambridge gave great satisfaction – thanks to the Chamber of Commerce.
The fifth Annual Show at Cambridge had 610 horses, 279 cattle, 192 sheep, 58 pigs and 440 miscellaneous entries including Dairy Produce and Home Industries. Other features included hunting, riding, driving, wood chopping and guessing competitions. Local business had Stands of seeds, fertilisers, furniture, wagons and buggies, ploughs, phonographs and sewing machines. The North Island Egg-laying Competition Association exhibited various fowls with their eggs.
Finally the long looked for rain set in and continued for a full day (1.25 inches) doing an immense amount of good throughout the district.
The old Salvation Army barracks were removed from Duke Street by traction engine to the rear of Mr Harris’ store to be used as a storehouse. The building was built for the Oddfellows Lodge in 1873.
The ‘Keep of the Grass’ sign at the Cambridge Domain had added ‘Where be the Grass’.
The presentation of McMahon’s Pictures at the Alexandra Hall was undoubtedly one of the finest exhibitions in cinematography ever seen in Cambridge and the audience was loud in their appreciation. ‘Lost in the Alps’ was up first, then humorous films ‘Her First Bike’, ‘The Electric Belt’ and ‘A Quiet Hotel’ caused endless merriment.
‘Apropos of the ghastly slowness of the train service on the Cambridge line, we might mention that Messrs H Beauchamp and Mr Callander left the train at Hamilton and drove over in a motor car from there to Cambridge, arriving here fully 20 minutes before the train.’
‘A Fencourt settler who has had to resow his turnip crop three or four times, estimates that in consequence of the drought and the great shrinkage in his milk supply, his loss this season will be £200.’
A pretty wedding was solomnised at St Andrew’s Church between Miss Murial Edith Peake eldest daughter of Mr Robert Peake of Roto-o-rangi and William, the second son of Mr Hugh Greaves of Hawera. The bride’s dress was cream cloth, Eton tailor made, with blond lace vest and cream crinoline, and she wore a Dolly Varden hat. The bridesmaids wore blue silk muslin frocks and black picture hats.
The ladies’ golf championship was won by Miss Kathleen Willis who received a handsome gold bracelet as her trophy. Mrs Edmunds was runner up. The lady members had formed themselves into a branch of the NZ Golf Union. The Club membership was 27 ladies and 25 gentlemen.
The position of the Chrysanthemum Society was considered somewhat precarious – ‘owing to the scarcity of well grown plants in consequence of the drought, and also to the hordes of caterpillars which had infested the plants.’ They decided to soldier on.
The Farmers’ Club (although the turnips had also suffered from the drought) decided to hold their show in conjucntion with the Chrysanthemum Society. Cambridge West was proclaimed a Town Board District and was rechristened Leamington. James Keeley (the chief promotor of the Town Board proposal) was the sponsor of the new name as he came from near Leamington in England.
A special meeting of the Cambridge Co-op Dairy Company Ltd decided that their new central factory at Hautapu would be built in brick and they would get a BNZ loan to be paid over ten years.
While considering the estimates for the coming year, the Borough Councillors agreed with Mayor Buckland that their town was in a first class position and that the gasworks would prove to be a goldmine. The water rate was abolished for stock and reduced to £1 for garden hoses. The previous year’s receipts and expenditure balanced at £4,164.
April 1908
The Rev James Fussell sent an account of his trip from Cambridge to Copmanhurst in Australia. He sailed on s.s. Mokoia to Sydney, then 400 miles by rail to Glen Innes and another twenty hours coach ride to Grafton with three different drivers and seven changes of horses. He then took a river steamer up the Clarence River to Copmanhurst.
The Golf Club names the holes on their course :- 1 ‘First Hole’, 2 ‘Bunker’, 3 ‘The Pines’, 4 ‘The Sandhills’, 5 ‘The Rushes’, 6 ‘The River’, 7 ‘The Bluff’, 8 ‘The Hollow’ and 9 ‘Home’.
Charles Chitty presented a petition to the Pukekura Road Board signed by 32 freeholders praying that a town district be not granted for Cambridge West. (The Board had no power in the matter.)
James Hally in a letter to the Editor, thought about sueing W F Buckland for £1,000 damages. It was reported that Buckland had said – while referring to Hally who was criticising his proceedings as Mayor, that – “Mr Hally was an old man, and that he could only attribute his attitude either to second childhood or ignorance.” But being good natured Hally let him off with a warning.
One of the numerous Government Inspectors came along the other day and told small beekeepers that the common or garden variety of hive was no longer a legal habitation for the bee, and that no busy bee could lawfully be permitted to make honey in a hive not built as per statute provided, or words to that effect. As the price of the new hive is high and bees are ignorant of law, some cottage bee-keepers are being compelled by law to give up beekeeping. In New Zealand, eternal legal interference is the price of liberty!
Mr Richard Reynolds was pleased with his efforts in introducing partridges into Cambridge as two large coveys had been seen at Pukeroro.
C W Keeley, a councillor on the Piako County Council, moved that the county be divided in two. The southern members were making decisions on the northern parts of the county (and vice versa) about which they were ignorant.
Mr Giles Keeley of Karapiro joined the ship ‘Rimutaka’ at Wellington and, after 33 years in New Zealand, was to take a trip to the Old Country.
At a Biograph Entertainment at the Alexandra Hall – ‘the retort of the mechanical apparatus blew out and the flames shot into a box in which several films had been placed and ignited them. Being celluloid there was instantly quite a blaze.’ One of the plucky managers rushed the burning material out into the street and rather badly scorched his hands.
It was thought that the recent drought would affect the Chrysanthemums for the local show but the beautiful specimens exhibited by W F Buckland allayed any fears.
Some of the residents of Leamington contended that the name given to the new town district had been sprung on them suddenly, and they did not take kindly to the cognomen. Mr W Tucker remarked that he had heard that Leamington in England was full of old maids and cats.
The Leamington residents (at a meeting regarding the Old Waikato Bridge) took the opportunity to thank the Cambridge Mayor and Councillors – ‘for the persistent way in which they grappled with the task of securing the new high level bridge and congratulate them on the success which crowned their efforts.’
The Waikato Hunt Club appointed Mr Wynne Brown as deputy master and huntsman with Mr Norman Banks as Master and Mr M J Douglass as secretary and treasurer. The retiring huntsman was Mr C Selby.
A new Roman Catholic parish was constituted at Cambridge by the Vicar-General, the Very Rev Dean Gillan. The Rev Father O’Hara was appointed parish priest.
One of the horses nominated in the Settlers’ Plate at the Maungatautari Races held at Vospers ‘Dingley Dell’, was called Taumatatauwhakatangihangakouauaotangatanuirangikitetanatahu. About 500 people attended the event on Easter Monday.
Mr W F Buckland was elected unapposed, for his fourth successive term as Cambridge Mayor.
The Cambridge Hockey Club was formed on 22 April 1908 with Mr Kenneth Court elected secretary pro tem.
A visitor to Cambridge over Easter, in a letter to the Editor wrote – ‘We found the Domain as sweet, as fresh, and as beautiful as ever, and it was here amid Nature’s richest grandeur that we were invited to play upon the Bowling green, which is in tip-top order. Haeremai.’
Richard Reynolds, who had taken over the Newstead Estate from his brother Henry, offered it for sale as a going concern. He was prepared to pay £500 commission to anyone who made a satisfactory sale.
The NZ Dairy Association invited tenders to build a creamery at HoraHora and Messrs Jones and Middleton were about to build a number of cottages on their Maungatautari Estate in readiness for next milking season.
Fred Pott’s tender of £1,905 was accepted for the Cambridge Co-operative Dairy Co. factory at Hautapu.
With the upcoming School Committee elections looming there was a gentle reminder to parents of their public duty to take a live interest in their local school affairs.
The families of Wells, Sharkey, Walker and Chambers took out the top prizes in the 17th Cambridge Chrysanthemum Show. Produce prizes went to Macky, Reynolds, Forrest and Fisher. Garden Produce – Sharkey, Peppercorn, Simpson and Souter.
The local Golf Club’s pavilion was enlarged and moved to a more suitable site and the main entrance gates were moved about 300 yards further along Hamilton Road. As the Golf Club opened for the season – the Tennis Club closed and they presented their prizes. Miss Cox won the women’s championship prize of a silver mounted photo frame and Mr J Cox won the men’s championship prize of a silver mounted pipe.
May 1908
At a public meeting, chaired by the Mayor W F Buckland, a branch of the Young Men’s Christian Association was formed in Cambridge. He stated that the local young men appear to have no definite aim in life, and it was for them that the institution would do much good.
Brer Rabbit arrived in the Waikato – two Cambridge residents drove over to Pukekura, about seven miles from Cambridge, and in three hours shot about 70 rabbits.
Mr C A Whitney presented the Cambridge Domain Board with some English mallard wild duck eggs and Mr John Ferguson raised seven ducklings. They were put in enclosures on the edge of Lake Te Koutu then released to join the native ducks.
Thirteen gentlemen were nominated as candidates for the Commissioners of the Leamington Town Board. Seven were required to constitute the board.
‘It is stated that the government intends to institute a system of money boxes, to be worked in conjunction with the Post Office Savings Bank, and in this way to meet the alleged want of a savings bank in the home.’
Mr Hugh Fitzgerald notched up 32 years of collecting rates for the Pukekura Road Board. ‘He is the champion collector of rates in the district and there are few, if any in the Dominion that could beat him in gathering in the shekels.’
The Pukekura Road Board chairman thought the £13 10s 6d for the inscribed plate on the Victoria Bridge was simply ridiculous and that one lamp on the bridge would be sufficient.
At the Mayoral Installation W F Buckland remarked on the progress of the town over the last years and said, “There are still a few cantankerous people in Cambridge, but they are getting scarcer.”
‘Messrs Wilkinson and Souter of Duke Street have just imported for Dr E E Roberts, an up-to-date single cylinder, 10 h.p. ‘Cadillac’ motor car, which is fitted with double accumulator ignition, and all the latest improvements.’
Mr Wilkinson imported another ‘Cadillac’ – with a hood and windscreen – to hire out to persons who may require it.
A farewell social was held at St Andrew’s Schoolroom, as Mr and Mrs W Selby and family, who had farmed at ‘The Poplars’ Hautapu since 1870, were leaving the district.
The Lament of Duke Street.
To the Editor. Sir, – Do pity the sorrows of a poor old street by inducing the Mayor to give me a good thick coat of gravel! There would be no good in having the Bible read in schools, if children going and returning have to listen to the frightful language which was used last winter when anyone went into my mud over the tops of their boots, and last Saturday the language was as bad as ever. No wonder the children are, as the Bishop says, growing up Pagans, if there are as many roads as impassable as I am. My opinion may not be worth much, but I think the Bishop should blame the bad roads for Paganism, and not secular education. – I am, etc., Duke Street.
Why Leamington? Letters to the Editor ran hot about renaming Cambridge West – Leamington. Why not leave the name as Cambridge West; or ‘Karangi’ the former name of Mr Rout’s hill; or Cambridge South – the true position; or Keeleyville after the person who had been long in their midst and who took a big interest in its public affairs?
A petition against the name Leamington was circulated but it came to naught.
The Commissioners for the new Leamington Town Board were A C Hill, Henry Bell, W White (chairman), J Kingdon, G H Ollard, J Keeley and C Jarrett.
The new Cambridge Hockey Club held a practice on Victoria Square in preparation for the match against Hamilton. (Cambridge won 6 goals to 4.)
Also about thirty ladies handed in their names to form a Ladies Hockey club.
A ‘new’ Shakespeare Club met with about twenty people present. Their first rehearsal reading was for ‘As You Like It.’
At the local Magistrate’s Court five old age pensions were renewed, three at £26 per year, and two at £28 per year.
The President of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr C H Treadgold, had canvassed the town for more subscribers to the local telephone exchange. There were 53 subscribers and the exchange would stay open from 8 am till 8 pm if there were 65 subscribers.
When Sir Joseph Ward, the Premier, had visited recently he promised that Cambridge would be recognised by the Tourist Department as a Tourist Resort. Cambridge was a ‘no show’ in the latest publication and it was decided to write to the Premier.
June 1908
Opening of the new Maungatautari meeting house ‘Te au ope kanohi’ was performed by Hon. Mahutu.
Thirteen patients left Te Waikato (TB) Sanatorium for Rotorua where they were to be employed in tree planting. The Government (at the suggestion of the matron Nurse Rochefort) formed a camp for patients who were well enough to do light work.
A recent thunderstorm lasted from four o’clock in the afternoon until about half past seven in the evening and at times the thunder was most deafening and the lightening dazzling in its intensity. Duke Street was a sheet of water filling the cellar and lapping the doors of the Central Hotel. Shortly afterwards the council began laying gravel.
The St Andrew’s Bellringers held another social, items included piano, violin, songs, recitations, and gramophone selections. Games were played and the evening ended with light refreshment.
The Cambridge Ratepayers Association – set up in opposition of W F Buckland’s Council – met with James Hally in the chair. They planned to oppose the upcoming loan for the Town Hall and Baths, decried the lack of gravel on their streets and the approaches to the Victoria Bridge, and the grossest mismanagement of Wharf Street.
Deer were very numerous in the ranges about Cambridge and bushmen on one property had bagged 16 head.
Bee-keepers were having a good season and output was reported as 20 tons of honey for the local area.
Mr W M F Coates of the Fencourt Homestead sold the goodwill of his farm to Mr Robert Simpson.
The fifth annual Cambridge Show was a great success. There were horses, cattle and sheep; displays of farming equipment, manures, wheat and oats; and home industries of all kinds.
Frederick James Sanders and Emma Kate nee Kingdon celebrated their silver wedding anniversary and received many valuable and useful gifts from their many friends.
The caretaker of the Cambridge Primary School wrote to the committee asking for a raise in wages from 12s 6d to 17s 6d per week. It was decided to raise his wages to 15s per week, that sum to include all extras such as washing towels, etc.
Father Holbrook was appointed the new parish priest of St Peters Catholic Church when Cambridge was formed into a new parish. Father Darby was congratulated on acquiring a convent site, a school site and introduced the Sisters of the Mission.
‘A very successful Band of Hope (Temperance) meeting was held at Leamington, the Church being crowded, many not being able to get seats, which speaks well for the movement in the district.’ The programme of recitations, singing solos and duets, a reading and a dialogue was very much appreciated.
Councillors Tudehope, Dickinson and Reid were appointed to deal with a flag (saying ‘Welcome from Cambridge’) to fly in Auckland when the American Fleet visited in August.
At Fencourt Mr C Lake disposed of his farm to Mr McGeechie and Mr Lund sold his farm to Mr W Harbutt. Mr J Webb of Morrinsville took over the butchery business of W Vaughan in Duke Street.
A conference was held between the Pukekura Road Board and the new Leamington Town Board to sort out assets and liabilities existing between the two bodies.
The Cambridge Hockey team travelled to Hamilton for a game and came away the winners – 3 goals to 2. ‘Hamilton scored their goals in the first spell and had Cambridge on the defence continually. Cambridge started to make things lively in the second spell and Simpson shot three beautiful goals.’
The Waikato Mounted Rifles Cambridge team who competed for, and won the Auckland Regimental Shield consisted of Sergeant Major Bruce, Sergeants R Simpson and Peake, Corporals Millar and Jeans, Privates Ferguson and Ormiston, Troopers Robt Ferguson, Haylock and Bartlett.
‘The frost on Sunday morning was the hardest experienced in the Cambridge district for several years; the ice on pools of water averaging nearly half an inch in thickness.’
The Shakespeare Club had its first rehearsal of ‘Julius Caesar’ and marked improvement was shown by some of the younger readers.
Mr Connolly, a railway wheeler-patter, had his leg crushed as a truck was accidentally bumped while he was working under a carriage.
Messrs Brockelsby and Carr were given authority by the Cambridge Rugby Union to procure a new set of jerseys for the rep. team. The colours were blue and white and ‘the appearance of the team should be considerably enhanced by the new uniforms.’
Hicks Bros of Maungatautari displayed a perfect Hurst Monarch swede which measured 27 inches in circumference.
Three more black swans were given to the Cambridge Domain Board to join the two already donated by E B Hill.
July 1908
An exhibition of produce from Sutton’s Seeds drew entries for swedes, turnips, mangolds, carrots, onions, cabbage, celery, marrow, kale, parsnip and garden beet.
The Cambridge ladies formed three committees (Mrs Hunter convener of refreshment, Mrs Jas Taylor entertainment and Mrs E Veale refreshment) for the upcoming Farmers’ Club social.
Even though the ground had pools of water and was very slippery, the Cambridge Hockey team triumphed over a Hamilton team by three goals to nil. Simpson was undoubtedly the pick of the forwards, his shooting being very accurate and scoring all three goals.
‘Covent Garden’ opened in Cambridge with Mrs Longley as Proprietress, opposite the Alexandra Hall. [Approximately where the The Wine Cellar is today.] She sold Fruit, Confectionery and Vegetables with Afternoon Tea a Speciality.
H Vandyke, the up-to-date Jeweller, embellished his advertising with verse –
His prices are the lowest
Consistency will show it;
A trial will prove and satisfy
The few who may not know it.
A workman named Stanley, who was in the employ of Fred Potts building the new Cambridge Dairy Factory, sustained a painful wound on his head as a brick fell from the overhead scaffolding. The wound needed stitches.
A man named Schischka sustained a nasty gash to his instep when his axe slipped while working in Hopkirk’s bush at Whitehall.
Many people were turned away when the Rotorua Maori Entertainers performed at the Alexandra Hall. They performed ‘tableaux’, a male quartet was encored twice, there were songs, poi dance, an exhibition of a climbing top and a haka. After the interval the Hinemoa series of living pictures was presented.
Some land was under water in Fencourt after an extremely boisterous day when a large amount of rain fell. The final reading of ‘Julius Caesar’ by the Shakespeare Club was adjourned because of the inclement weather. A satisfactory number turned out for the Fire Brigade’s 4th annual meeting.
There were a total of 39 court cases heard in Cambridge for the second quarter of 1908 including 9 thefts, 3 breaking and entering, 1 forgery, 7 drunkenness, 2 breaches of prohibition orders and 2 failing to maintain children. 16 Old Age Pensions were granted and there were 4 pending.
A good field turned out when the Waikato Hunt met at Hautapu Railway station. ‘The hounds threw-off on Mr Hannon’s property and were not long in finding puss going away through Mr Allwill’s and ran on to Mr Hall’s estate, so the hounds were called off and a move was made to ‘Bardowie’. A strong hare was found in the turnips, which gave a rattling good run. Crossing the railway line she made a bee line to Swayne’s, a distance of about two miles; doubling back, she ran through the turnips, across the road, right through Hannon’s, on through Wattam’s, and was lost on the No. 1 Station Road. Another hare was found on the racecourse, which gave a good run over the ‘Bardowie’ country. Mr and Mrs Taylor entertained the followers to afternoon tea.’
The Presbyterian Victoria Hall was full with well wishers as they farewelled Mr and Mrs C Lake and family. ‘A musical programme was gone through, games were indulged in, and an enjoyable time was spent.’
The Post Office clock arrived in Auckland from England a few days ago and was on its way to Cambridge .
The Waikato Farmers’ Club annual social was a great success. The Alexandra Hall was decorated with ferns, greenery and flags etc and the ladies entrusted with the entertainment and supper excelled themselves.
‘The evening was devoted to social intercourse, euchre, bagatelle, and vocal and instrumental items’. After supper the floor was cleared for dancing.
The old Post Office, bought by Mr Marcroft, was removed to Queen Street and converted into a meeting hall for a local religious body.
Public Notice. ‘All Persons having seats or benches belonging to the Old Public Hall, are requested to return them, or to inform me of their whereabouts. F J Brooks, Town Clerk.’
Mr and Mrs William Thornton, of Maungakawa Station, were the latest to buy, from Messrs W Souter and Co, ‘one of the sturdy, plucky and persistent Cadillac 10-horse power cars. Mr Thornton learned to drive in an afternoon owing to the simplicity of the transmission.’
In the first match of a series for a trophy presented by Mr R Tudehope, the Ladies B hockey team won against the A team by one goal to nil. The goal was scored by Miss M Ruge.
The congregation of St Peter’s Church tendered a farewell to Rev. Father J C Darby, who was being replaced by Rev. Father Holbrook, the first resident priest for Cambridge .
The Cambridge Band wrote reminding the Borough Council of its promise to pay something for their playing at the Victoria Bridge opening. The mayor (W F Buckland) said he was rather proud of the band and liked to hear them playing. The Finance Committee suggested a subsidy of £5 for the Band and the latter waived the claim.
The sanitary contractor furnished a list of offenders who were in the habit of putting tins, broken bottles, ashes and other rubbish in the pans. ‘The names included those of two councillors, a member of the legal fraternity, a minister of religion and other residents of lesser light.’ If the practice continued the Council would take proceedings against the offenders and a Public Notice was inserted in the paper.
In the seventh annual report of the Cambridge Co-op Dairy Co, they recorded a 41 ton drop in production owing to the extreme dry season from January to March.
August 1908
Captain Walker organised his Squadron to go to Auckland to welcome the American Fleet. He also asked for quality horses to enhance the credit of the Cambridge district.
The Cambridge Band was about to hand over £94 worth of instruments to the Borough Council, after it liquidated a small balance that was owing.
Mrs Gleeson, who had just bought Mr Selby’s property at Hautapu, was asked by the Cambridge Road Board to kill the willows that grew along side her drain. It was felt that it was no use clearing the drain until the willows were gone.
It was also decided to patch the road in the neighbourhood of the Hautapu Factory before the milking season started.
Samuel Wilde, a former member of the 3rd Waikato Militia died suddenly in Leamington aged 84 years. He had been in Cambridge since 1864 and lived alone. At the inquest the jury found that Samuel had died of senile decay.
Two businesses in Duke Street changed hands – H Vandyke watchmaker and jeweller sold to Mr John Murrell of Otago and Mr A E Harris sold his grocery store to Mr W D Shepherd.
The Cambridge District High School Committee decided to close the school during Fleet Week (American Fleet visiting Auckland ) in place of the usual Michalmas holiday. A Special Train was arranged to leave Cambridge Saturday 8 August at 5.10 pm and to return Saturday 15 August 6.45 pm. Friday was made ‘late night’ instead of Saturday.
The old Public Hall, which had stood on the corner of Victoria and Duke Streets for about 30 years, was about to be shifted to Empire Street and converted into a sample room.
The Shakespeare Club was well established in town and a marked improvement was seen in their reading of ‘A Midsummer’s Night Dream’.
About 50 people attended the annual meeting of the Trinity Presbyterian Church when it was reported that gas had been laid on in the Manse and Church, drainage at the Manse and Victoria Hall re-roofed in iron.
Finishing touches were being put on the new Duke of Cambridge Lodge rooms in Empire Street. [Now Empire Rose.] The architect was C Reid and the builder W J White while the painting was carried out by S Fletcher. The total cost of land and building was about £400.
The first train right through from Wellington to Auckland – the Parliamentary Special with about 200 passengers – arrived at Auckland, after a trip of just over 20 hours.
Another old resident of the town, Michael Dillon died at Leamington. He was a 3rd Waikato Militia man and had fought under the redoubtable Major Von Tempsky in Taranaki. He continued his carrying business up the week of his death. He was aged 66 years.
The new tennis courts near the rosery were to be ready for the coming season.
Mr Fred Potts was making excellent progress with the brick factory at Hautapu and it should be ready by the beginning of the milking season.
There were between 50 and 60 patients at Te Waikato Sanatorium.
The McCann house in Taylor Street was burnt down with only the piano saved. Mrs McCann had been boiling a preparation of tar and beeswax on the kitchen fire. She left it momentarily and when she returned she found the house in flames.
The Rotorua Golf Club was endeavouring to arrange a match with Cambridge at Okoroire. Preparation was underway for a match against Hamilton.
Those competing in the Chess match against Hamilton were Dr Edmonds, Rev Gow, E Wallis, E Veale, C H Treadgold, G Batty, J Wallis, H Atkins, C Reid. Hamilton won 9 games to 4.
Mr McBride of Christchurch bought the property ‘Trelawney’ at Pukekura which consisted of 242 acres.
At a special meeting of Council the 14 designs for the new Town Hall were discussed and ‘Anglo-Indian’ was accepted. ‘Upon the sealed envelope being opened it was found that the successful designer was Mr A B Herrold, architect of Auckland.’
Rendall Bros, John McCann, W Nicholl, Wm Thornton, Miss J A Jackson and James Fleming wrote to the Cambridge Road Board asking for their road at Maungakawa to be repaired as they could not use it in wet weather.
At the annual meeting of the Cambridge Bowling Club, the subs were raised from 25 shillings to 30 shillings; the Domain Board furnished the club with a water roller and R Reynolds gave some soil for top dressing the greens.
In the 14th week of the North Island Egg Laying Competition Mrs J Salt’s White Leghorns won the light breed with 31 eggs and the Chamber of Commerce’s White Orpingtons won the heavy breeds with 28 eggs.
September 1908
The new brick butter factory was formally opened at Hautapu. The architect was J W Warren and builder Fred Potts. The manager was Mr A Beange, who was noted for turning out a high grade quality of butter.
The two retiring members of the Eureka Co-Operative Dairy Co, Messrs Shaw and Ramsay, were presented with two silver mounted smoking pipes. Musical items varied the dancing which continued until nearly morning milking time.
The NZ Loan and Mercantile Co. sale included 1200 head of cattle, 200 ewes with lambs, 250 woolly hoggets and a large number of fat hoggets and fat ewes.
Rev W H Beck of St Paul’s Methodist Church was kept busy with a wedding in the morning between Thos Waite and Miss Louisa Brown. Then in the afternoon Mr C Chase to Miss Sarah England.
About 200 members and friends of the Waikato Hunt were guest of Mr and Mrs J Hally of ‘Valmai‘ where they enjoyed a hearty luncheon before setting off for the hunting field.
The subject of the district High School speaking competition was ‘That Athletic Exercises form a necessary part of a sound Education.’ The Mayor W F Buckland presented a silver medal to the winner, H Hammond.
Mr C Boyce engaged L C A Potter, architect, to prepare plans for extensive alterations and additions to the Alexandra Hall.
Miss Gladys Onyons, on behalf of the secondary department of the High School, presented Mr E W Shanahan B.A. with two volumes, Shakespeare and Tennyson poems.
During Mr Shanahan’s time the High School had attained the highest position among the schools of the province. The Shakespeare Club presented him with a framed autographed picture.
On the new Leamington Town Board’s agenda were – Tennyson Street, The Domain, a tree obstructing Burns Street, Lighting the Bridge, Stray Cattle, Gorse, Rents and the Grader.
The young people of Pukerimu organized a social and dance and ‘It was almost time for the lark to announce the dawn when the festive gathering broke up.’
About 800 people were present at the Waikato Hunt Club’s annual race meeting with Norman Bank’s ‘Goldsmith’ winning the two mile hurdles and ‘John’ winning the 1 mile Maiden Welter.
Mr Hugh Fitzgerald died at his residence ‘Sunnyside’ in Leamington aged 80 years. He had been in the district 33 years – 31 of those serving as clerk of the Pukekura Road Board.
There were many Letters to the Editor and public meetings for and against the £5,000 loan for the new Town Hall. The tide turned on this poll with 150 votes for and 130 against. W F Buckland, the Mayor, addressed those who had gathered around the Borough Chamber.
‘Cheers were given for the Mayor, then those assembled strolled away.’
When Mr J Benson, manager of the Fencourt creamery transferred to the Roto-o-rangi creamery, he was given a case of smoking pipes and a silver match box.
At the Presbyterian Sale of Work and flower show, W F Buckland took took the prizes in the three Class A and three Class B Narcissi catorgories an Champion Bloom with ‘Duke of Bedford’.
Two young men were sentenced (one six month’s imprisonment with hard labour and the other two month’s imprisonment) for stealing four fowls.
There was a good attendence at the St Peter’s Fancy Fair when the little girls of the Convent performed in a graceful manner the Butterfly Gavotte, Cachuca and Maypole Dance. Few patrons could not withstand the tender pleadings of the young ladies, to buy an art union ticket.
An advertisement for W J Broad Nonpareil Store Duke Street, Cambridge.
‘Assorted Cordials 11d each
Best Cleaned Currants 3½d lb
Jelly Chrystals 4d each, 3s 9d per dozen
Tinned Fruits 1 gal tin 2s 3d each
Tomato and Worcester Sauces quarts 1s each, 11s dozen
Coolie Cocoa 3s 1lb, 1s 6d half pound
Pearl Tapioca 2½d per lb
Tobacco Old Judge 1s packet’
Master Kenny Wilkinson fell off a cart and broke his left arm at the elbow, a lad named Alexander was bucked off his pony at Flat Park and Mr E Wallis sprained his leg when his horse fell.
St Peter’s Fancy Fair was a great success, despite the wet weather, taking over £200 over five days.
The sum of £1,250 appeared on the government estimates for a new Courthouse at Cambridge.
The Crow’s Nest road at Maungatautari was granted £200 for repairs; French Pass to Taotaoroa road £100.
October 1908
Players welcomed a new rule at the local golf club. It was that a ball may be lifted out of the ditch leading into the casual water approaching the ‘Bunker’ and also out of sheep or cattle tracks, without penalty. Hoof-marks were not included in the new rule.
There was a large crowd at the formal opening of the new Oddfellow Lodge rooms in Empire Street.
Friends and supporters of the Mayor, W F Buckland, gave him a complimentary social in recognition of his public services. Mr John Ferguson was in the chair and advocated – the waterworks and the gasworks were splendid successes; the drainage scheme would safeguard the health of the inhabitants; the high level bridge should have been called ‘Buckland’s Bridge’.
The celebration of the first anniversary of Dominion Day was not observed with much enthusiasm or gusto in Cambridge. The Post Office was closed but the banks and businesses were open as usual. Flags were flown from the Post Office and the Fire Station and a streamer was hung across Lake Street at the Jubilee Gardens where a ceremony was held. The school children were presented with a Dominion day medal.
The Chiming Clock finally arrived in Cambridge and it was expected to take three or four weeks to install in the Post Office tower.
Bit of a Kifluffle over funding the Library! Cambridge Borough Council wrote to Andrew Carnegie asking for funding for the library. The chairman of the Public Library wrote to Carnegie saying that ‘There was no need to ask you for help, and to do so comes with a very bad grace from the Cambridge Borough Council, which has never contributed a penny to the Library Funds’. The Council then wrote back to Carnegie outlining the plans for the new Town Hall and Library.
C Reid, architect accepted P La Trobe’s tender of £111 9s for three class rooms for the Presbyterian Sunday School.
Mr Jas Dean, headmaster of the Leamington School, was welcomed home after a six-month trip abroad. He thought colonial schools compared very favourably with some of the best schools in England and had picked up a number of new ideas to introduce into his school. He said we were chiefly known at Home for our connection with the Boer war and the ‘All Blacks’.
The Town Band played a selection of tunes at Te Waikato Sanatorium on Sunday then put on a concert on Tuesday to raise funds for their contest funds. They won the B grade medal at the Hamilton Competitions playing ‘Gems of Mendelssohn’.
The making of new tennis courts at the Domain, was almost complete. Some rose trees had been taken ‘holus bolus’ from the gardens and dogs were damaging the flower beds. Messrs Massey Bros, well known iron founders of Auckland, had donated a handsome seat to the Board.
The Inspector’s report of the Cambridge High School showed compulsory subjects were on the whole very satisfactory; reading was well taught and a wide course had been taken. Additional subjects were satisfactory; order, discipline and tone of the school was good; efficiency of the school was satisfactory.
The young ladies of Tamahere organised a plain and fancy costume ball in the local schoolroom. Miss Pearce as ‘Columbia’ and Mr F Devine as ‘Punch’ were the popular choices for best costumes. Dancing was kept up with vigor until the ‘wee sma’ hours’.
‘Mr F J Marfell, Victoria Street, has been added to the list of subscribers to the telephone exchange. His number will be 58.’
Miss Eves in conjunction with Mr Cooke bought Mr Peppercorn’s Milk Round. Prices were kept the same – 3d per quart under one gallon; customers taking one or more gallons, 10d.
Messrs Souter & Co have disposed of their timber business to Mr H Speight of Auckland.
Nearly 200 people gathered at the Tauwhare Hall to see the annual concert given by the Tauwhare School children. After singing ‘God Save The King’ there was supper and then dancing till the early hours of the morning.
Mr Giles Keeley, on his return from a visit to the ‘Old Country’ was of the opinion that farming methods in England were quite out of date and that the emigrants being sent to New Zealand were not of the right stock.
The crowded state of the local courthouse (John Sterling a Seventh Day Adventist was working on a Sunday) made it again evident that a new courthouse was needed in Cambridge. ‘The atmosphere at times was stifling.’
The chimes of the Post Office clock pealed out twelve o’clock for the first time on 27 October. It was officially sent on its chiming way at 4 o’clock, 29 October 1908.
‘John Sterling, labourer, was charged that on the 20th day of September 1908, being Sunday, at Pukekura he did work at his calling in view of a public place, to wit, by working a team of horses attached to a disc harrow, in a field adjoining a public road, contrary to the form of Statute in such case made and provided.’ Edgar James and William James Smith were also charged. They paid their fine under earnest protest.
Settlers of Maungakawa objected to a petition by the Acclimatisation Society to protect the deer at Maungakawa as the deer caused a great amount of damage to their crops.
A demonstration of the cooking capabilities of the ‘Perfection’ kerosene stove was given at Messrs Souter & Co’s premises. An expert was in attendance and afternoon tea was provided.
Three of the new garden seats were placed in the Jubilee Gardens.
The workings of the septic tank and filter beds were inspected by the Government Bacteriologist. He found the effluent after passing through one filter only was almost odourless and highly clarified.
November 1908
A fancy costume dance ended a series of winter socials held in the Alexandra Hall. The music was supplied by Miss McFarlane and about 50 couples ‘tripped the light fantastic’ until about 3 am.
The No 3 Mounted Rifles held a paid daylight parade with Captain W R C Walker in command and assisted by Lieutenant S Lewis. The squadron was instructed in semaphore signalling and marched out as reconnoitring patrol.
The local fruitseller skipped with his wife and family to a Southern port. He omitted to pay his creditors before he vanished.
Richard Reynolds was asking for tenders for cutting Titree (100 acres more or less) starting from Swamp Road at the entrance to Monavale Homestead.
A working bee of the Chrysanthemum Society spent a busy time in Mr T Wells‘ garden digging up plants, ‘balling’ each one separately, labelling, and tying them ready for delivery to those members who had sent in selection lists. About 1,000 plants were distributed.
St Andrew’s Rose show attracted 300 entries from the local growers as well as 1,000 roses on show from Mr Lippiatt’s nursery in Otahuhu. (No wonder Cambridge was such a beautiful place.)
When Mayor Buckland set the Post Office clock chiming he said that it was the first one of its kind in the Waikato. With the exception of the bells and wire ropes the material for the clock had been made by Littlejohn and Son of Wellington.
The Methodist Bazaar had stalls for plain and fancy needlework, dolls and toys, ferns and flowers, produce, sweets, books, fish, afternoon teas, cool drinks and buttonholes. There were also various competitions.
A complimentary social and dance was given to the Town Band in honor of their success at the recent band competiton. They had a well deserved win against older and more experienced bands and in all 27 medals were presented. Songs and items were accompanied by Madame Isherwood and after supper, dancing kept up until an early hour.
The General election was looming with Mr J A Young on one side and Mr Herries on the other. And the Temperance Union on one side and the Hotels on the other.
The shores of Lake Nagambie, Victoria Australia, were reported as being unapproachable from the stench of dead fish, believed to have ‘white disease’.
The Waikato City Council neglected to advertise the election for the riding because it was ‘too poor’. Local advertisements were offered free of charge to the Council if they make a statutory declaration ‘in forma pauperis’.
A well known horseman, who served time in South Africa with New Zealand’s Rough Riders, treated spectators to an exhibition of buckjumping with the horse winning and ‘grassing the rider’.
A return issue by the N.Z Dairy Commissioner shows that there were 858 registered dairy factory manufacturing and packing establishments in New Zealand. This was an increase of eight since the year before.
A house owned by William McFarlane on Robertson St, Cambridge, was destroyed by fire. Mrs McFarlane left the kitchen fire unattended to tend to her gardens, later finding smoke billowing from the roof. She managed to save a sewing machine and two chairs. Mr Healey (postman) and Dr Roberts on passing by came to Mrs McFarlane’s assistance.
A large fire at Jacksons’s timber sawmill, Timaru, almost totally destroyed the facility. The damage is estimated at £6,000, the insurances only total £2,000.
Fourteen tons of butter were being manufactured each week at the Dairy Factory in Hautapu.
The annual Rose Show and Fancy Fair, in connection with the St Andrew’s Church was opened by the Mayor, Mr Buckland, on 20 November. It has become a popular fixture in the district.
Mayor Buckland emphasises the importance of the Cambridge cricket team to play Hamilton at Victoria Square. Cambridge: Ransom (Capt), Brindle, Heath, F. Beck, Priestley, R. Haysmith, H. Driver, J. Russell, Linstrom, Piesley and A.Capper.
The Agricultural Department gave the Town Clerk a couple of hundred steel blue ladybirds. These ladybirds live mainly on ‘scale’, which is responsible for the death of many oak trees in the area. The public are asked to give them their kind protection.
The Australian amateur rugby team chose the name ‘Waratahs’, a native Australian tulip.
The state of the parties in the new Parliament were to be: Government 46, Opposition 25, Independent 3 and Labour 1.
WANTED – A general servant, good home, no young children. Apply Mrs E Allen, Pukekura, Cambridge.
December 1908
A horse belonging to Mr T Wells took fright and ran away from near Mr R Carr’s residence to King Street, where it was bought to a standstill due to the cart overturning.
Miss Ella Skeet received a good appointment as governess in a well-to-do Australian family – with prospects of a trip to England.
During October the total of births in the principal centres of the Dominion amounted to 673 compared to 599 for September.
The Department of Agriculture was thanked by the Borough Council when they sent a number of steel grey ladybirds for the Domain.
The Borough council decided to pay the South Hautapu Drainage Board £25 per year for permission to run the water from the Grey and Clare streets swamp into their drain.
John Arnold’s butchery premises on the triangle corner were condemned by Inspector Bennett. The building, occupied by Brockelsby Bros was among the oldest in the town.
The Auckland A&P Show had a very spirited competition for the best gentleman rider and Mr H Crowther of Cambridge came first and Mr C Crowther of Cambridge came second. Miss Ethel Abbott was adjudged the best bareback rider and tied for champion lady rider.
An enquiry into assessing the proportion the new Leamington Town Board and the Pukekura Road Board should pay of the £3000 loan for the Victoria Bridge, was held in the Courthouse. Mr R Fisher, chairman of the Pukekura Road Board, said he thought that the erection of the bridge had increased the value of the Leamington township by 100%. Mr William White, chairman of the Leamington Town Board felt the value of his land had risen about £10 an acre. James Keeley felt the farming land had risen about £5 to £7 an acre. Charles Jarrett pointed out that horses could take double the load of what they could take over the old bridge and up the hill. Cartage was reduced 1 shilling a ton.
The chimes were stopped on the new clock in the Post Office from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. ‘They greatly disturbed the slumber of those living in the Post Office premises and threatened to unnerve them.’
Ernest Jeans of Taotaoroa met with an accident while driving a wagon loaded with wool bales. The horses shied and ran into the bank and Jeans was thrown out. He suffered concussion and was attended by Dr Roberts.
Those interested in the Young Men’s Christian Association met on 11 December with Ven. Archdeacon Willis presiding. The Y.M.C.A stood for a full-round symetrical development of a young man’s life and a group was started in Cambridge .
At a special meeting of the Borough Council it was decided to strike a special rate of 7 pence in the £ as security for the £5,000 Town Hall loan.
The £1,100 tender of Fred Potts was accepted for the erection of the new brick Court House.
The newly appointed South Hautapu Drainage Board of Miss M E Ewen, Messrs C Roberts, R Morse, John Arnold and John McCallion sat for the first time.
Misses Tring and Blackmore, proprietors of ‘Salthurst’ private boarding house opened the Victoria Tea Rooms in Victoria Street . There were dining rooms on two floors comfortably accommodating a large number of people at one sitting. The spacious windows were well stocked with all sorts of tempting delicacies, on which there was sure to be a big run during the festive season.
A united Sunday School service was held at St Andrews church with Anglican, Presbyterian and Methodist children attending.
The lads from Cambridge High School met the lads from Maungatautari on Victoria Square for a two innings match of cricket. As a result of some swift and destructive bowling from both sides, the score was 50 to 35 in favour of High School.
The local schools were having their breakup prize givings and picnics.
A gold medal was awarded to Master J Hally as dux of the District High School. Special prizes were given to Raymond Butler and Nevin Bell for composition; and Ida Carr and Norman Goodwin won the writing prizes. The special prize for drawing went to Dorothy Dray.
The Pukerimu School held their picnic at Mr John Fisher’s paddock. The Catholic School spent an ideal summer’s day at Mrs Gleeson’s ‘Poplars’ at Pukeroro.
Borough Council was having problems with the school children digging holes in Wilson Street to get earth for their school gardens.
The Cambridge Dairy Co-operative paid out £4,522 to its 130 shareholders, the highest being £135. Over the last week the Company produced 16 tons of butter.
A social was held in the Presbyterian Victoria Hall to celebrate the opening of the new Sunday School class rooms.
Trade in Cambridge was slow leading up to Christmas but the rush on Christmas Eve made up a record month with people struggling to get into the fancy goods shops.
The Town Band played to residents on both sides of the river on Christmas Eve and were most hospitably treated. They collected a record amount for their funds – £27 4s 0d.
Both St Andrew’s Anglican and St Paul ‘s Methodists had special musical services on Christmas night. Boxing Day saw the traditional picnics where the Anglicans went to ‘Clements Park’ on Hamilton Road and the Presbyterians went to Mr McGechie’s bush at Goodwood. The Pukekura Seventh Day Adventists school drove out to a quiet and restful spot on Mr Death’s estate at HoraHora.
Christmas Eve at Te Waikato Sanatorium had a large decorated Xmas tree with parcels for everyone. Early on Christmas morning there was carol singing. The crocquet lawns were well used, dinner and speeches at lunch, then a concert and hymns in the evening.
Mr H Pike sustained a couple of broken ribs, concussion of the spine and badly hurt his shoulder when he fell off a 12 foot hay stack.
In Sicily there was a reported earthquake in Messina where two thirds of the town was destroyed and thousands of people killed.